Monday, February 16, 2009

The Great Wall

"China plays home to a barrier famous worldwide
Few know of another Great Wall not visible to the eye
The one I speak of contains colossal walls, mazes and traps
No way of passing even if aided by ropes, flashlights or maps
A mammoth edifice constructed with blood, sweat and tears

Rome wasn’t built in a day, this one also took years
Its purpose, to protect a priceless treasure confined within
Diamonds even pearls seem meager in comparison
Trespassers and nomads should heed this and beware
Passage has not been permitted to most who have dared

From atop The Great Wall I extend to you my hand
Will you join me on this perch so that we both may stand
But before accepting invitation you should know from the start
Beyond The Great Wall is nothing other than my heart"

Submitted by: Alain Paultre


Anonymous said...

How willing are you to extend your hand? Since this "Great Wall" has served as a protective measure, sometimes so impenetrable that it runs the risk of pushing away what is worthy, what guiding principles enable you to entend your hand? And if, in hindsight, you determine that your hand was extended prematurely, how then do you allow/enable yourself to truly open up to the possibility of genuine love?

Almagic said...

I'm about as willing to extend my hand as the other person..maybe just a bit more. I've done so before and ended up regretting it a few times. In hindsight, I no longer regret because it was a learning lesson. Experiences have given me more knowledge about myself, others and matured me. I'm almost marriage material now ;-) My hand now goes out to those who will reciprocate, have strong family ties, values, show openess to reveal themselves and pracitce honesty as if it's a religion. No plan is flawless so of course it's still a work in progress but it has come a long way from the drawing board I started on a long time ago.