Tuesday, November 9, 2010

When you give it up...you really give IT up!

Does this seem accurate to you?

Do Women Lose Their Power Once They Give Up The Goods?

"The power struggle between men and women is one that is ongoing and never-ending. Both genders come into dating with their own agendas, and this is where the miscommunication starts. Agendas may shift if the individuals involved become enamored with one another. But, from their first interaction, there is always a plan of action.

The plan of action is to achieve power over the other person and get them to lean towards their goal. Some have no intentions on abusing the power. They only want their fair share and are willing to share. Others come into the game knowing what they want from the other person and are willing to manipulate to achieve their final goal; even if it means hurting the other person.

The power shift between men and women goes as follows: In the beginning the woman is the one with the power and the man willingly gives it to her. Why? Because she has something he wants. He wants to have sex with her. His plan may shift later after he gets to know her. Then he may want to have a committed relationship. But, initially, his primary goal was to stringently pursue his plan of action: The panties. On the contrary, women go into their dealings with men with their own set of priorities. In order of hierarchy, her plan of action goes as follows: She wants his love, affection, loyalty, and sex. Notice the priority difference? Meanwhile, he is not the least bit alarmed by her having the power. In fact, he prefers it, because the power that she has is what is going to make her comfortable. This temporary power she feels is what is going to cause her to let her guard down and let the man pursuing her in. You can take that in more than one, by the way.

Eventually, the woman gives in to the desires of the man. By this point, she may also have the same strong desires, but she never once loses sight of her original plan of action. She still wants a relationship with him but she loses all of her good damn sense and makes his plan a priority over hers. So, she gives up her honey pot and hopes for the best. Now, there could be two outcomes from this. One is that their intimacy could lead the man to become more attached to the woman. That is if he already had a foundation of emotion toward her. He had to already be into her to some extent for this to happen. The second and less desirable outcome by women is that the man chunks the deuces at her.

Show of hands if you have experienced the following scenario at least once in your life, ladies:You are dating a guy, and he is perfect. He does everything for you; seems so attentive and nice. The moment you give him the honey pot his personality and demeanor toward you changes. That is because there has been a power shift. Women can literally feel the power being drained from them the moment the man climaxes. Suddenly, he is in his he-man stance. He becomes less attentive and less friendly. He never wants to go out of his way for you; when before making you happy was his pleasure. He might not want to spend as much time with you or make you a priority. That is because he realizes he now possesses the power; he has conquered you sexually. And, if he is a jerk, who only wanted that to begin with, then as a result, he will become less interested in you.

Meanwhile, the woman suddenly feels bamboozled. “What happen? Why is he acting this way?” The moment her goal and needs were placed second to his, she gave him her power. Deep down she knows this and so does he. This is why he now can behave like a jack ass with less fear. You have been conquered. The woman may then feel a range of emotions from anger, to feeling played to emotional abandonment.

Sex is more than just an act for some women. For some women, every instance of sex is always an emotional experience to be cherished. The idea that this man is now showing his true colors becomes too much for them to handle; even if the circumstance never called for her to become emotional about the sex or the man never gave signs that he was going to be emotionally available to her.

The moral of this story, ladies, is never to give up that juicy spot until you feel that you are getting what you truly desire from the guy. If it is a committed relationship you desire from him, don’t have sex until you feel secure enough to do so. This way you will not feel emotionally trumped. Also, if you know that you are not one of those chicks who can separate having commitment-free sex from having a deep-rooted emotional bond with a man, don’t have sex until you feel you have that.

Fellas, if you have absolutely no intentions of being monogamous with the woman and know that you are only in it for the panties, be direct about your needs. Not all women want to be in a relationship with you. Some want what’s between your legs just as bad as you want what’s between theirs. Approaching women with honesty about your intentions could be what prevents your tires from being slashed or car windows busted out because you two had a sexual miscommunication."

by LJ Knight on Monday November 1st 2010


Thursday, November 4, 2010

I will Always Love You

This song will always hit home ... The lyrics are so deep.

I will Always Love You
By: Whitney Houston


Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Love Takes Time
By: Mariah Carey

Youtube Video

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Tuesday, October 5, 2010


Below is a blog from a friend of mine. I must say, it hit home when I read it and the thoughts just kept flowing! My commentary is below his blog entry.

Source: Straightpen

Love/Work by JUSHH

Would’ve came back for you
I just needed time, to do what I had to do
Caught in the life, I can’t let it go
Whether that’s right, I will never know
Hope you forgive me, never meant wrong
Tried to be patient, it waited too long
But I would’ve came back, would’ve came back for you
- Drake, “Paris Morton Music” (2010)

Stop me if you heard this before…

“I want to be with you, but I’m focused on my career right now”

It is said that men avoid commitment and they use their career as an excuse. Well being a man who has done the former and has been accused of the latter, I am here to tell you… don’t believe everything that you hear.

Five years ago I decided to start my own company. My business, especially in the beginning, consumed me. So much so that it became a large part of whom I was. The last thing on my mind at that time was a relationship. And because of that, I’ve allowed some pretty special women to walk into and out of my life. But it wasn’t because I was scared to commit but the complete opposite, I was committed to something other than you.

A good relationship takes a significant amount of time and effort. Similarly, high career aspirations also require the same. And as long as there are only 24 hours in a day, something has to give. Sure, any man can say, “yes” to a relationship but what is the point, if you know that you can’t hold up your end of the deal? A woman can be patient and understanding but how long can you take being the #2 priority? Will you be able to ignore all the Blackberry interruptions or accept having an emergency cancel a date? Eventually you will complain to him about how he’s never around and blame him for the relationship falling apart.

You can’t say that you want a man with ambition and then criticize his ambitious efforts.

Its not that we don’t want to be with you, its that we know it won’t work out and would rather avoid being the villain. We know that because our career must come first, it’s simply not fair to drag you down that road – even if it means losing you. A selfish man would try to have both and guilt you into staying in an unfulfilling relationship. A good man is brave enough to make a choice and won’t accept a woman’s heart until he’s ready to take care of it. The best thing that a busy man can say to a woman is, “I’m not ready.”

Choosing this path is a painful process because you are never sure if you are making the right decision. You constantly go back and forth, doubting your choice. There’s nothing harder than watching the woman you care about cry in your arms because she can’t understand why you can’t be together. It’s impossible to explain that you will be able to give her everything as soon as you reach your goals and get stability. Sadly, you have no idea when that moment will come and if she will still be around when it does.

So the next time you hear a man say this to you, please don’t jump to conclusions and assume that he is just looking for excuses to be promiscuous. Instead try to understand his point of view and recognize his painful dilemma. It’s not easy to walk down a dark path towards a door that you may never find. It’s even harder when you know that you’re leaving a beautiful sunshine behind you. But if you want to achieve your dreams, you have to put your head down, stay focused and work hard. And hopefully when it all works out, you’ll be able to come back to her.

And to those who have heard those words from me and were too skeptical to wait,

I would have came back for you, too.

Free Hearts and Minds commentary regarding the above Blog...
What are your thoughts?

There is soooo much I can write regarding your blog, but I will try to keep it short and to the point. As always, great post J!

Please note that when I refer to "You" I am referring to the career oriented men who think the way you describe in your post.

I find it commendable that you would want to let someone go instead of ‘dragging them along’ while you sort through your life and work out all of the kinks. I have noticed that a growing number of men find it important to have their 'ish together financially before 'settling down.' Theoretically it sounds great. Men have been historically seen as the bread-winner, the head of the household, the person that takes care of those that depend on him (his lady and children). Therefore it makes some sense to stay focused on his career towards the beginning of it to be able to provide for his family in the future.

In response to this: “You can’t say that you want a man with ambition and then criticize his ambitious efforts,” I would never criticize the efforts of an ambitious man. Those men are hard to come by! However, the problem I find with this one-track mindedness is that it seems like you will never be able to juggle all of the balls being thrown your way. That is what we criticize. When you finally make it to the end of this “dark path” which one hopes leads to financial freedom, and you finally get into a relationship with someone, the struggles do not just disappear. They can in fact multiply. If you decide to get married, own a home, have children, purchase some pets, etc, what if the roof caves in because of a leak, you find out you have a terminal illness, or a recession hits and slows down your source of income...what then? Do you bail out on the woman and family in your life so that you can get yourself back on the "right" track? Or do you learn how to juggle all of these extra balls life just slammed into your face?

It seems like women, now-a-days, or even way back when, have to be/have been superwomen and take on tons of responsibilities all at the same time. Some women work full-time jobs, go home to cook, clean, take care of their children, help them study, bathe and get them to bed, take care of their men by performing their womanly requirements and then they have to get up the next morning with a smile on their face, breakfast on the table and take on the world all over again. I have similar characteristics with Women between the ages of 17 and 50+. On the other hand, "Men" between the ages of 25 and sometimes 37+ can't work on getting their career up and running while showing love and affection to the person that loves them?! Pardon my French, but get the F*CK outta here! I just don't get it. I kind of would almost prefer to be told you haven't been around the block enough times and need to sleep with more women. Truth be told, if you can't juggle a relationship and the job/career now, how can I be so sure you're not going to run away with your tail between your legs when the shit really hits the fan? Otherwise, just tell me you just don’t love me enough, because that is surely what it’s going to seem like when 7 months after you break up with me, you’ve finally “made it” and you end up marrying some random female who just came into your life. It’s funny how the world works! At that point, I will look back and think… “oh wow, he was cheating on me with this chickenhead all along.” Spare us the heart-ache, tears, time we will never get back, emotional and mental stress and break-it off within the first couple of months if you know you cannot make us #1 or even #1.5 on your list. Also spare the next man that is ready to settle down, the struggles he will have to endure because now you have caused one good girl to think every man is the same.

You ask, “Will you be able to ignore all the Blackberry interruptions or accept having an emergency cancel a date?” I would think that most successful, worth-your-while, women would answer “Yes” because we have lives too and may sometimes need to cancel a date or two. But does that mean every single date needs to be cancelled for a year or two because of business? No, those are one-off situations. Not very many people cancel a dinner and movie (which usually takes place at night and/or on the weekend) because something came up in the office…Catch my drift?

Here are a couple of rhetorical questions that come to mind after reading your post. Why not grow with someone by your side? Someone who loves you and will support you through the highs and lows while you are getting your career off the ground? Why not experience the ups and downs with someone that will be there for you through it all instead of running around sleeping with every chic that comes your way? Once you do make it "big", how much more difficult is it going to be to find someone that wants you for who you are and not what you have/own/are about to purchase? Lastly, when is enough, enough (i.e., when you “make it” to the first prong on this ladder of success you have defined for yourself, are you going to walk away from the next sunshine because you have to get to the next prong?)?

Monday, September 27, 2010

What does a poke mean to you?

What does a poke mean to you?

Does it mean:
"Hey, haven't seen/spoken to you in a while, just wanted to say hi!" or
"Remember me?! I'm alive!" or
"Come look at my pics and write on my wall please!!" or
";) You're kinda cute." or
"Hey mamacita, here's a virtual poke, but wait til I see you in person ;o)" or
"You didn't respond to my texts, voice messages and/or inboxes, so this is yet another reminder to write back!!"
or ... ?

Does it depend who you poke? Do you usually poke people of the opposite sex? Only people you are attracted to? Only friends or family members? Do guys usually poke other guys?

Is it just me or does this poking business have a sexual undertone?

How do you respond to a poke by someone you barely know? Do you poke back? Do you write them a private message? or a public message on their wall? Do you call them out by writing..."Hey, thanks for the POKE! Hope all is well!" What if you are in a relationship, should you poke single people of the opposite sex? Is that crossing the line? Should you tell your significant other that you are poking people online?

What is this poking thing really all about?

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Let's Move in Together!

Baby, we've been together for almost four years, and I love you, I think it's time we move in together. We can live together for a while (one or two years) and see if we can stand one another and then decide if we want to get married or not. If we hate each other in a year or two, one of us could just move out and it would only be four to six years invested and lost, versus the rest of our lives....

Know anyone that has had a similar conversation with his or her partner? Or at least thought it, but never actually verbalized it? I am torn. I can see how living together for a while and then cutting your losses before actually tying the knot, would make things a lot easier and much less expensive. However, I also believe that deciding to live together without being engaged/married is a bit non-committal. If you are truly in love and neither one of you can see yourself raising a family and/or living the rest of your life with someone else, why not go for the goal? Why not just get married?

I believe/would hope that if you are married and you have vowed to your partner and to yourself that you will be with this person through thick and thin, 'til death do you part, it is more likely that you will want to work through any issues that may arise. Especially once you have invested in a home and/or children are involved, I would think couples are more inclined to go to couples counseling and work on bettering their union versus just letting it all go. If you are just testing the waters, you may give up a lot faster because, well, what do you truly have to lose? Also, some couples may live together so long without being married and decide there is no point in getting married, because their situation is as if they were already married.

I know a lot of studies have been done regarding co-habitation before marriage and I know the church is quite opposed to this phenomenon, but I am not thinking about it in terms of your vow to the church/before God so it's not about religion in my mind. The way I see it, it's simply about your commitment to your partner and your want/need to experience life with the person that completes you. I think that if a couple is set on getting married and they are engaged and decide to move in together with a similar vision about their future together, the success rate would be higher than just deciding to live together to see if they could deal with one another’s idiosyncrasies.

Since I have not experienced co-habitation before or after marriage, I can really only offer my semi-confused opinion about it all. Everyone must really discuss the pros and cons of all scenarios with their partner and come up with the best solution for their particular situation. I know it will definitely be something to discuss with my partner when the time comes, as it is a very important decision to make. The truth is that I will probably end up living with my significant other before marriage, but only when I know it’s the person I would like to spend the rest of my life with. When I am committed to someone, I will do my all to make sure the relationship is a healthy, fulfilling, long-lasting one. Hopefully I will find someone that has similar relationship values.

I wish you all the best of luck!

I would love to hear from readers that:
* lived with a significant other before marriage, got married and have been happily married for over 5 years;
* waited to live together until after marriage and have been happily married for over 5 years;
* lived with a significant other before marriage and decided not to get married;
* lived with a significant other before marriage, got married and got divorced;
* waited to live together until after marriage and then got divorced.

Various Readings:

Article 1
Article 2
Article 3
Article 4
Article 5
Article 6
Article 7
Article 8

Friday, September 24, 2010

On-Again, Off-Again Relationships

"Most of us have experienced a “bad but it feels so good” relationship at least once in our lives. The chemistry we experience with this person may cloud the reality that perhaps we’re not really such a great match. On-again, off-again relationships increase stress and take an emotional toll on a couple. So why do we allow ourselves to continue in the drama of a yo-yo relationship?

Some people love the “highs” of a tumultuous relationship so much that they readily accept the lows—the fights, the break ups, the tears. But in healthy relationships, you are not always going to feel a “high.” Eventually, your emotions and hormones will level off—at this point you can determine if you and your partner have what it takes to make your relationship last.

Another reason some people seem to get caught up in an on-again/off-again relationship is simply out of habit. They are used to being in a relationship, and when they’re not in one, a few days of loneliness can spur an unhappy person into giving an ex a second (or third, or fourth) chance. However, being single can be a tremendous opportunity for growth, development and self-awareness. And truly—are we ever really alone? Sometimes, surrounding ourselves with friends, family and co-workers is a healthier alternative than being in a relationship that will likely go awry again.

Low self-esteem can also make us vulnerable to on-again, off-again relationships. But healthy self-esteem comes from within—not from a boyfriend or girlfriend. If you are struggling to boost your self-esteem on your own, a professional life coach or counselor is likely to be a better source for helping build your confidence.

If you find yourself in a relationship that seems to be stuck in the on-off cycle, ask yourself why. Why do you consistently go back to this person, knowing the relationship isn’t going to work? What is the core issue between you? Do you have different values and beliefs? Is he/she abusive in some way? Is there an addiction problem? Or perhaps the issue is something fundamental, like you live in different cities and neither of you is willing to compromise. Regardless of the reason your relationship keeps spinning off its wobbly axis, chances are, it’s not going to change.

Granted, there are exceptions. Sometimes being apart can lead to a deeper appreciation of the other person. A reunion can be sweet; it’s tempting to assume your partner has permanently changed for the better. But unless both people are willing to commit to working on the big issues, underlying conflicts will simmer and eventually rear their ugly heads.

So, how can you decide whether it’s time to cut and run for good—or sign on for the long haul? A recent article in Psychology Today recommends the following:

(1) Adopt a worst-case-scenario mindset. Many perpetual relationship “yo-yoers” keep coming back because they assume they can change their partner’s worst habits. But that’s usually wishful thinking, psychotherapist Toni Coleman says. “You have to assume that the behaviors you see will get more entrenched and worse over time. Ask yourself, ‘If that turns out to be the case, will I still want to be in this relationship?’”

(2) Seek advice from a trusted third party. Therapists can fill this role, but family and friends can be just as helpful.

(3) Take a time-out. While hiatuses are par for the course in on-again, off-again relationships, resolve to make this one different. Use the emotional distance to think clearly about what you want from a long-term relationship. If your partner doesn’t measure up, make the hiatus permanent."

Source: Two of Us

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

All I Want is You

Isn’t it ironic that when I wanted you, you didn’t want me and now you want me, but I don’t want you? Life, emotions, love, people: all so very complicated. As my good friend Liz recently mentioned, some people “just don’t value what they have.” We have something, which may not be 100% perfect, yet we let that go because we want something else and when we obtain that something else, we don’t want that either. Then we wish we had what we had before, the thing we had before we got the thing we supposedly really wanted. Confusing!?! Read that last sentence again…slowly. Then we wish we had what we had before…the thing we had before we got the thing we supposedly really wanted. That’s just how some people’s minds work….They are confused. Not content. Selfish.

A couple of weeks ago I sat down and listened to “All I Want is you” by Miguel Jontel and I told myself I had to write about this song. He is reminiscing about the woman that is no longer in his life. She left him and he admits it was his fault. From the sound of it, he wanted to continue his player ways and once he went back to living it up, he realized that there is no substance in the fleeting relationships he is involved in. The “distractions” are not providing him the sustenance he obtained from being with the girl that he let go.

If she was a good woman to him, I hope she has moved on and found someone that will value her true worth. The way this world works though and as unfortunate as it may be, he may come begging, she may say yes and then the roller coaster ride will begin yet again. Have you experienced something similar? Know someone else that did? What was the outcome?

All I Want is You
By: Miguel Jontel ft. J. Cole

Youtube Video


J. Cole
I never thought I see that day that you’re my old girl
Now I’m stuck here hollering at old girl
Got one, Got two, three four girls
Shotgun in the drop made her right
Hut one, Hut two told them niggas take a hike
Then it’s on to the next one on to the next one
Hard to move on when you always regret one

I wondered some time. I wondered if I was wrong
Trying to do right by you got me here
Now all I am is alone
Cause honey our closeness and that
don’t compare at all
And I bet all do is distract me but now
Deep down when I face it

Chorus : Miguel
All I want is you
All I want is you
All I want is you now
Now that you’re gone, gone, gone

Cause being your friend is killing me softly
I hear voices
Wonder where I went wrong
It was my fault
And the wrong time I wonder so often
Regret gets exhaustin’
Cause hon our closeness and that
Don’t compare at all
And I bet all they do is distract me but now
Deep down when I face it

Chorus : Miguel
All I want is you
All I want is you now
All I want is you now
Sugar, now that you’re gone, gone, gone
All I want is you
All I want is you now
All I want is you now
Baby, now that you’re gone, gone, gone

Cause they don’t smile or smell like you
Cause they don’t make me laugh or even cook like you
Girl they don’t photograph, nah they don’t sex like you
Let face it I can’t replace
that’s why All I want is you

J Cole
I hit the club when you left me thinking that could heal
Trying to celebrate my Independence Day Will Smith
Baby gurl who I’m kidding
still sick Real sh!t
All my new bit*hes seem to get old real quick
Could it be you everything these plain bit*hes couldn’t be
Is it a sign from the Lord that I shouldn’t be
Lost in the Player way sorta get old to me
Got me on layaway, Girl you gotta a hold on me
I say I’m wrong, You say come again
Damn said I was wrong look don’t rub it in
I got a lot on my mind
Got a flock full of dimes
Like a line full of hoes, Look how they coming in
Just saying
you don’t wanna have me then somebody will
I’m playing
Weight on my chest like I body build
I’m praying
You ain’t content with trying to do your thang
Hey come back baby boomerang

That’s why
All I want is you now
All I want is you now
All I want ïs you now
Sugar, now that you’re gone, gone, gone, gone
You know that you’re gone

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Only Girl (in the World)

Imagine for a couple of seconds the following:
* Your significant other only expresses love and affection behind closed doors.
* When you are out in public, it seems like you are not in a relationship (no PDA, no pictures can be taken, etc).
* On facebook - what could be a relationship killer - every man, woman and child, east coast, west coast and world wide, is poking them, writing on their pictures with that annoying flirtatious winky face ;) and they are letting it happen (even better yet, they may be feeding into it by writing back), essentially showing others that this sort of behavior is okay...that the door is open.

How would that make you feel? Wouldn't you feel like you are not the only one in their world? That you are not the only one they'll ever love? That they may be sharing their heart with another/others?

The chorus of Rihanna's new single entitled "Only Girl" (below) says:
"Want you to make me feel like I’m the only girl in the world
Like I’m the only one that you’ll ever love
Like I’m the only one who knows your heart"

Attention, love, affection, showing your lady off as your pride and joy, these are all things that help women feel secure in a relationship. Men want to know that the woman by their side is proud when they walk arm in arm. So, essentially, we want the same things. Whether it's behind closed doors, or out and about, we want to feel security and love in our relationship. We want to know that our man is not turning around to see the next chic (or man for that matter) walking past. We want to know that he is turning other women down...even the perritas who insist that it is okay to cheat. Normal women want security, fidelity, love and open, honest communication (and those things I wrote above...and maybe help around the house...and help with the children's homework every now and again and ...)… alright, alright, we mayyyy seem demanding sometimes, but aren't those some of the basic fundamental building blocks of true, loving relationships?


Download: http://www.gwizmusik.com

By: Rihanna

I want you to love me, like I’m a hot pie
Keep thinkin’ of me, doin’ what you like
So boy forget about the world cuz it’s gon’ be me and you tonight
I wanna make your bed for ya, then imma make you swallow your pride

Want you to make me feel like I’m the only girl in the world
Like I’m the only one that you’ll ever love
Like I’m the only one who knows your heart
Only girl in the world…

Like I’m the only one that’s in command
Cuz I’m the only one who understands how to make you feel like a man


Want you to take me, like a thief in the night
Hold me like a pillow, make me feel right
Baby I’ll tell you all my secrets that I’m keepin’, you can come inside
And when you enter, you ain’t leavin’, be my prisoner for the night


Take me for a ride
Oh baby, take me high, high
Let me make you first
Oh make it last all night


Only girl in the world, girl in the world (x2)

(S)He Keeps on Passing me By

"Find Your Love

Let me ask you a question, do you think that you’ve already met the person that you will spend your life with, or has that person not entered your life yet? Take some time to think about it – your answer may say more about who you are than you think.

If you think that the person that you will marry is already in your life than perhaps you are already in a relationship with that person. If that’s the case then what is keeping you from making that jump? Too young? Scared of commitment? Trust issues? Something is keeping you from walking down that aisle and you need to figure it out and fix it. If you’re not in a relationship and that person is in your life, then you could be someone that is scared to take a risk. You should go up to that girl who you see at that coffee shop every morning or that guy that you see walking his daughter home from school in the afternoon. It could be a long-time friend of yours who you’ve dismissed because you two were never “single at the same time”. The best relationships often start as friendships so make that move.

If you think that special person has not entered your life then maybe there is a flaw on your part when it comes to relationships. When we break up with people, we often find faults in the other party and chalk it up to him or her not being "the one". But maybe the problem is you and you should make more of an attempt to make the next relationship work. People who believe they are still waiting to meet "Mr. or Ms. Right" may be people who are impossible to please – people who are searching for perfection that doesn’t exist. Perhaps you take the smallest imperfection and use that as an excuse to push them away. You may need to realize that the perfect person for you is far from perfect.

Love has a weird way of appearing and disappearing on a moment’s notice. The problem that we all have is we constantly over analyze and complicate our situations and we allow opportunities to pass us by. The truth is we’ve probably all met someone who could have or should have been our future spouses but something got in the way and that chance was lost. And no matter who you are, the next “the one” will come into your life again someday. And when he or she does...

Just remember to hold on tight and don't let go."

Source: Straightpen: She keeps on passing me by

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Making a Baby

The Smiths were unable to conceive children
and decided to use a surrogate father to start their family. On the day the proxy father was to arrive,
Mr. Smith kissed his wife goodbye and said,
'Well, I'm off now. The man should be here soon.'

Half an hour later, just by chance,
a door-to-door baby photographer
happened to ring the doorbell, hoping to make a sale.
'Good morning, Ma'am', he said, 'I've come to...'

'Oh, no need to explain,' Mrs. Smith cut in, embarrassed,
'I've been expecting you.'

'Have you really?' said the photographer. 'Well, that's good. Did you know babies are my specialty?'

'Well that's what my husband and I had hoped.
Please come in and have a seat.

After a moment she asked, blushing,
'Well, where do we start?'

'Leave everything to me.
I usually try two in the bathtub, one on the couch,
and perhaps a couple on the bed.
And sometimes the living room floor is fun.
You can really spread out there.'

'Bathtub, living room floor?
No wonder it didn't work out for Harry and me!'

'Well, Ma'am, none of us can guarantee
a good one every time.
But if we try several different positions
and I shoot from six or seven angles,
I'm sure you'll be pleased with the results.'

'My, that's a lot!', gasped Mrs. Smith.

'Ma'am, in my line of work a man has to take his time.
I'd love to be In and out in five minutes,
but I'm sure you'd be disappointed with that.'

'Don't I know it,' said Mrs. Smith quietly.

The photographer opened his briefcase
and pulled out a portfolio of his baby pictures.
'This was done on the top of a bus,' he said.

'Oh, my God!' Mrs. Smith exclaimed, grasping at her throat.

'And these twins turned out exceptionally well -
considering their mother was so difficult to work with.'

'She was difficult?' asked Mrs. Smith.

'Yes, I'm afraid so.
I finally had to take her to the park to get the job done right. People were crowding around four and five deep
to get a good look.'

'Four and five deep?' said Mrs. Smith,
her eyes wide with amazement.

'Yes', the photographer replied.
'And for more than three hours, too.
The mother was constantly squealing and yelling -
I could hardly concentrate,
and when darkness approached I had to rush my shots.
Finally, when the squirrels began to nibble on my equipment, I just had to pack it all in.'

Mrs. Smith leaned forward.
'You mean they actually chewed on your,
uh... equipment?'

'It's true, Ma'am, yes..
Well, if you're ready, I'll set-up my tripod
and we can get to work right away.'


'Oh yes, Ma'am. I need to use a tripod to rest my Canon on. It's much too big to be held in the hand very long.'

Mrs. Smith fainted

Source: Unknown

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

You cannot force love.

There is something magical about love. It cannot be forced to leave, nor can you force it to appear. You can fall in love with someone that is completely wrong for you under societies definition of what makes a couple stand strong. Others are put together and while seeming like the perfect couple, cannot stand the test of time.

It's crazy, this love thing. How does it happen? How can the feelings produced by your heart sometimes trump what the mind thinks, what the mind knows will result in a better outcome? How can you look at someone for the first time and in the blink of an eye, realize that this person is who you want to spend the rest of your life with? Conversely, how can you be friends with someone for years and finally one day, it becomes apparent that you cannot live without this person by your side?

Sometimes women are attracted to the bad guys, the ones that may not treat them all that well. Some women try and try to make the relationship work when everyone outside of the relationship is telling them they should move on. How do women live with and love someone that is physically, mentally and/or emotionally abusive and when the opposite enters their lives, the one who wants to settle down and treat them like the queens they are, it's difficult or nearly impossible to let go of the person they were abused by?

How long are we willing to hold on to love?

El Malo
By Aventura


Saturday, August 21, 2010

I wanna...

Settle Down
By Perez Hilton

"Is the sweetheart you married, the husband you expected him to be?"

Que Lloren

Que Lloren
By: Ivy Queen

Que lloren
Una mas
de la diva (diva)
Sentimiento (sentimiento)
Pa las mujeres pa (eyy)

Me dijeron que los hombre no deben llorar
Y que de amor no se mueren
eso no es verdad
Todos caen por amor
caen por una caricia
caeran por la pasion
o caen por la codicia

Asi es la vida
siempre se ama a lo q no se olvida
Se buscan la mujer prohibida
O se buscan una querida
Asi es la vida
cuando le toca la mujer
llorar para luego perder
o amar a un hombre que es infiel
y ver
que del amor nadie te salvara
que por amor somos capas de matar
y que el amor abeces es ignorante
ahora que lloren
que les toca su parte

que lloren
lo que yo quiero es
que lloren
que admitan de sus errores
para q asi una los perdone
y lloren

Me dijeren que los hombre no deben llorar (no no no no no)
Y que de amor no se mueren
eso no es verdad
Todos caen por amor (caen por amor)
caen por una caricia (por una caricia)
Caeran por la pasion
o caen por la codicia
Porque es la ley del amor
el valorar tu mujer
y si tu no lo haces bien
sabe la vas a perder
muchas somos fuertes
y otras somos la miel
ponte otros zapatos cuando somos infiel

Asi es la vida
siempre se ama a lo que no se olvida
Se buscan la mujer prohibida
O se buscan una querida

Asi es la vida
cuando le toca la mujer
llorar para luego perder
o amar a un hombre que es infiel
y ver...

Me dijeren que los hombres no deben llorar (no no no no no)
Y que de amor no se mueren
eso no es verdad
Todos caen por amor (caen por amor)
caen por una caricia (por una caricia)
Caeran por la pasion
o caen por la codicia

que lloren
lo que yo quiero es
que lloren
que admitan de sus errores
para q asi una los perdone
y lloren

que lloren
lo que yo quiero es
que lloren
que admitan de sus errores
para q asi una los perdone
y lloren

diva eehh esto es sentimiento pa
ehh urba y monserrate los jeadais
dale duro papa
que lloren que lloren
dale duro papa huyy
que lloren

La Vida Es Así

La Vida Es Así
By: Ivy Queen

He recibido una llamada Me dijeron que te vieron
No quiero peros tampoco celos
Guarda tu escena no me des excusas pa
No voy a escuchar así que cálmala
Ya lo se todo me dijeron de ella
Me dijeron su vida En verdad me dan pena
Si tu te crees que con mis brazos
Cruzados yo me quedare

Me miro al espejo
Me peino y me maquillo
Un vestido corto sabes lo que te digo
Me montare en mi carro Por que se su dirección
Que aguante presión de este mujeron!!!

Hola!!! atrevida yo te traigo una noticia
Por eso es mi sonrisa Te la dare sin prisa
El hombre con quien sales Es mío y tú lo sabes!!
Pero aqui esta el detalle en la cama no vale...

Por eso vine a felicitarte
De lo que me libraste
Y tengo que confesarte
Mientras toman su tiempo
A alguien lo estoy viendo
Un hombre de verdad y no la basura que yo tengo

La vida es así
Si la sobras de otra te hace a ti feliz
Aquí esta el detalle
Yo te lo regalo por todo el sufrimiento
Y el dano que a causado

La vida es así
Ahora grito a viva voz que con alguien soy feliz
Alguien que me consiente
Me trata diferente me lleva de su mano
Me dice lo que siente

Para de esa escusas que yo tengo una grande
Callare la boca y coge lo que te toca
Lo Que se hace se tiene que pagar
No me distes mi lugar no tienes que regresar
Tengo alguien que me ama al fiiin.....

Yo tengo quien me toque a miii......
Alguien que me merece y que su amor me crece
Me hace sentir grande alguien que por mi rece
Alguien que me ama al fin.....
Yo tengo quien me toque a miii....
Aquí esta el detalle Si no cuidas lo tuyo
Otro llegara y la hará sentir suyo

No quiero peros tampoco celos (x4)
Así que cálmala (x4)

Ivy Queen
Hey keko music
La Reyna de este movimiento

Friday, August 20, 2010

Does Your Man Receive Too Much Facebook Love?

Once upon a time you were happy and “In a Relationship” on Facebook. And then . . . Wait for it . . . There it is: you started to notice how much attention his profile was receiving. Whether a flirtatious wall post, a compromising tagged photo, or you being exposed to his personal account—forms of seething jealousy were onward bound. And, as the story goes, it ripple waved into a dramatic showdown between you two. Your relationship status and emotional sentiments were eventually updated to “It’s Complicated. You two will surely break up in the near future. The End.

You aren’t the only one irked by your partner’s Facebook reception. Over 50% of surveyors admit to growing jealous and insecure in their relationship due to activity on Facebook. Perhaps this is because the entire Facebook experience is a hatchery for relational jealousy, ignited by a number of scenarios:

The Picture. A classic “Having the time of our lives” shot is added to his recent pictures: a party atmosphere gleaming with Jack-o-lantern smiles, sweat studded foreheads, and toasts to the photographer. L’chayim. He has that stretched goofy grin painted on his face, the one you know from personal experience, the one that only creeps out during the best of times. He’s happy, his boys are happy, but that chick—the one clutched to him in partial embrace—she’s extra happy and you sense something in her smile and eyes begging for full coverage.

Common Response: A lingering stare followed by a customary inquiry, “Who the F*@! Is she?” A neurotic brainstorm ensues as you scan through his pictures, rampage his friend list, and attempt to solve the mystery of the friendly female friend.

The Wall. A female you don’t recognize leaves “Thank you!” on his wall. Slightly invasive, but you can’t help but wonder what her thankfulness stems from. You don’t have access to her profile to pry as freely as you’d wish so you’re left idle, sitting behind your computer with nothing but pushy presumptuous thoughts. It could be innocent—maybe he wished her well on her birthday and she was thankful. Or maybe not so innocent—he complimented a picture of her clad in a little bit more than a birthday suit and, yes, she was thankful.

Common Response: You’re going to ask him about it or silently obsess about it. Either way, it has formed an impressionable wrinkle in your brain.

The Status. It’s a day when he’s clearly feeling himself, and his FB status proclaims it with ringing bells. His self-boast cries for attention: his 6 pack is upgrading to an 8; his promo at work is signed, sealed, and delivered; or he identifies with a particular Jay-Z quote that beats its chest with bravado. On cue, a stream of applause follows his update with congratulatory praise and a slew of “Like” clicks. Traditionally, some girl goes IN and leaves a comment that is the real world equivalent of a set of shimmying pom-poms and a high kick. He responds coyly and she serves again, this time with greater force. The volley continues, and, sure enough, a “wink” emoticon or inside joke is sure to surface any moment now . . . Wait for it . . . There it is.

Common Response: Disgust, lathered in suds of annoyance that will surely manifest indirectly in your future correspondence with him, a.k.a. “You will act the F*@! Up!”

The Poke List. It was accidental (or a keenly executed maneuver), but you snagged a glimpse of his poke list. A long list of blue highlighted names exposes a network of flirtatious admirers who wouldn’t mind a poke or prod from yours truly. While there is no obvious rationale behind your feelings of betrayal—they still stir.

Common Response: Irrationalized drama milli-steps away from BEEF.

Relationship Status. It’s no secret—in the real world you guys are an item. However, in the online sphere you’re unattached because he doesn’t want to write who he’s in a relationship with, or he chooses to exclude the relationship tab all together. It’s not that you necessarily need the online community to know that you two are chain-linked together; however, his opposition is undeniably sketchy.

Common Response: Drama.

Why Does Facebook Summon So Many Jealous Feelings?

Facebook is helium to the relationships on it; they’re susceptible to being gassed up and burst. By design, it’s voyeuristically invasive and encourages its participants to believe that their minor activities are monumental. Where else does declaring a night out with the girls solicit public commentary and is worthy of publication in a News Feed accessible to a 3rd of the world’s population? A matter of fact: Facebook does such an awesome job at mustering up sensationalism that people begin to view themselves and other people by their profile; our real life selves seem to fall short when measured up against the height of approval received by our online selves.

It is no wonder that all of the “love” that his profile lassos strikes so many nerves in you: it is marketed as big packages, and, naturally, you regard these packages as big deliveries. However, know better. Just because Facebook wants to act like the anti-Cupid, doesn’t mean you two have to be casualties of love. Successfully step above the neurotic jealousy trip that Facebook specializes in provoking.

Unless, that is, you’re just a jealous person. In which case, you should disregard this entire article.

Monday Aug 16, 2010 – By Guerdley Cajus
Source: Clutch Mag Online

How to keep your man from cheating...

This video is hysterical!!
How to keep your man from cheating

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Female Orgasm Tips

Experience ''OMG, Yes!'' Pleasure Tonight

1. Do It Before Sundown
Most of us get it on before bed, but that isn't the best time for women to have sex, says Laurie Mintz, PhD, author of A Tired Woman's Guide to Passionate Sex. Not only are you sleepy, but postwork worries cause your body to release the hormone cortisol, squashing your sex drive. In the a.m., women and men have naturally higher testosterone levels (which explains his morning wood). So set your alarm to go off earlier, and give him a sexy wake-up call.

2. Treat Him Like a Sex Object
"Women spend too much energy worrying about turning a guy on," says Joel Block, PhD, coauthor of Sex Comes First. To enjoy sex more, be selfish. Ogle your guy as if he were Taylor Lautner in Eclipse. By assuming the role of the "viewer" and focusing on your desire, you're less likely to be self-conscious and more willing to do whatever comes to your dirty mind.

3. Let It All Hang Out
Do you suck in your tummy when you're on top? Bad idea. That makes it harder to breathe deeply, which is a key to orgasm, says certified sexuality educator Amy Levine. Instead, try the tantric trick of slowing your breathing and taking deeper breaths. The extra oxygen will make your orgasm more intense by increasing blood flow below the belt.

4. Lock Eyes
You look everywhere but his eyes during the deed because it makes you feel vulnerable, says Block, but it's one of the best ways you can connect when naked. It sends the message that you're really into him and keeps your arousal high because your guy is mirroring his desire back at you. Ease into it by meeting his gaze for a few seconds and giving a sexy smile, then build up to longer eye contact.

5. Make Some Noise
Moaning, heavy breathing, and sighing during sex ups arousal by stimulating your central nervous system, says Mintz. Plus, if you don't speak up, he'll have a harder time figuring out what you like. Saying something like "Slow down — this feels incredible" is a positive way to get your message across, she says.

6. Insist on an O
You're so close, you can practically taste it, and then…he finishes first. Don't call it a night: "Make it clear that your needs are just as important," says Mintz. If you don't, it's easy to build up resentment (even if you're not aware of it), which can strain your relationship. Focus on your orgasm first, or if that doesn't work, brush your lips against his ear and purr "I want you to help me finish." Then hand him your vibrator.

Source: Cosmo

Friday, August 13, 2010

Marriage Proposals that went Awry

Imagine losing your engagement ring before even being able to say I DO?!

Monday, August 9, 2010

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Monday, July 19, 2010

You Fucking Me Makes Me Bilingual

You Fucking Me Makes Me Bilingual

Please click above to listen to a passionate rendition of the intimate words below.

The only aphrodisiac I need is your voice
Hearing you speak my name
Beckoning me to answer
Telling me you want me
So I tell you that you're the answer to every question I've ever had about love

Without words I use my tongue to tell the tale of us
Tracing your shadowscape
Kneeling before you my eyes feast upon your masculinity and
All its divinity and I praise you
Because all of that is for me

I begin to indulge myself of your delicacies
Digesting semi-sweet dark chocolate decadence as it melts
Dripping down my chin
Your taste is something that Godiva couldn't re-create

Needing every atom of your anatomy
Necessity is placed upon me knowing you are the source of my serendipity
Dipping in and out of me stroking more than my consciousness
Subconsciously I find myself rewinding our love scenes
In my daydreams
Seeing that face you make when you're making me cum
And it makes me want you right there and then

Thinking of you in inappropriate places I get
Tingling sensations in private locations where I wish to be caught between a rock and your hard place

As wetness develops, my legs begin to open and my spot turns to a back draft and all I want you to do is extinguish it
You know my body like the back of your hands
And touch me and send me into ecstasy

My thighs quiver in anticipation of deep penetration which gets me high
Body rising
Make-up melting
Pulling my hair and
Scratching my back
I get a temporary case of tourettes because all I can say are four letter words in a four octave-range screaming your name

Aye papi, eres tan grande y tan duro y me lo das tan bueno...tu eres mi pecado mortal...
cojelo otra vez...

You fucking me makes me bilingual
You fucking me makes me bilingual

I see your tongue pink between your lips and I want it between mine
And I struggle
As you lick torturing me
I try to get away but
Not really

Running out of room begging for more
Up against the wall that has been scuffed by my stilettos
Again, Again, Again
You pry apart my thighs and tell me to be still
And I willingly submit to you because I love the way you dominate me
Demanding that I cum for you so I do as I'm told

You've molded me so I'm good to no-one else but you
You've conquered this once orgasmic-less world and multiplied it
Again and

My face radiates with after-glow
My pillow scented by you
A fragrance which haunts me
My room smells of the best sex
Covered in body prints and finger prints and you above me
Your name written indelibly upon my body in your genetic history
Again, Again, Again

You fucking me makes me bilingual
You fucking me makes me bilingual

You fucking me makes me bilingual

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Someone to grow old with...

Sometimes I lie awake at night wondering what life would be like being by your side many moons from now.

Waking up in the middle of the night and turning towards you instead of a lonely pillow.

Feeling your warm breath on my forehead as you slowly breathe in and out of your nostrils with your arms wrapped around me and my ear pressed against your chest.

I will forever cherish the sound of your heartbeat in one ear and in the other, the sound of the wind rustling leaves outside, like the waves kissing the ocean shore.

I want to wake up and see the beautiful moon staring at us from afar, the very same moon that we used to look at when we walked on the cool sand many summer nights years ago. The very same moon that will be there years from now when we travel the world together, exploring, making new discoveries.

I wonder what life would be like to see your face change over time....to feel your skin age with the turbulent rollercoaster of life. All the while, my skin will age next to yours as our love continues to grow for one another.

I look forward to reminiscing on how things once were and looking towards how things will be, with you by my side.

Time, it's a magical thing. All of these fleeting moments are gone ever too quickly.

We must treasure every moment we have with one another for we never know when the other shall cease to exist.

I look forward to growing old with and experiencing life with you...whomever it is you are destined to be.

~a delirious, emotional moment in time....
Just woke up to a beautiful moon and was inspired. Going back to bed now...
written at 1:22am 6/30/10

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Sex and the City 2

"You always want what you had when you have what you always wanted" ~Elyse Lerner

This wonderful quote came about after watching “Sex and the City 2”, which I believe is a FANTASTIC movie. I don’t want to give away the details in case you have not watched the movie, but I will touch on this underlying theme that was apparent throughout the film. Charlotte always wanted a family, yet when she finally has a husband and two children, she’s going crazy. Miranda always wanted to be a partner at her law firm, but she was not fulfilled due to the enormous amount of work and scrutiny she has to endure. Carrie wanted the man she loved, Mr. Big, to love her, appreciate her and be in a long-term, committed relationship with her. Now that they are finally married, life is not what she expected it would be. Many people live their lives wanting something so badly, yet when they receive the thing they desire/have been working towards, they don't want it anymore; they would rather be back at square one. It's the same logic behind the saying: "The grass isn't always greener on the other side."

We believe things will be better when this happens (get promoted, buy a house, meet the person of our dreams, have a child, etc.), or when we have that material thing (car, house, wedding ring, divorce papers, etc.), however, some people reach their destination, but still feel empty, alone, overworked and underpaid.

So, why is it that we want what we had when we finally have what we wanted? Will we ever be satisfied?

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Help! He Doesn't Want to Commit!!

Q: I’ve been in a relationship with my boyfriend for six years (on and off). We've had many issues in the past that have caused us to break up several times. My issue now is that my boyfriend shuns marriage. He says he's scared to get married because everyone around him is divorced. I feel like he will never truly commit. Am I wasting my time? I’m 31 and really want to get married and have children. Please help!

-Ashley L.

FreeHeartsAndMinds' Advice: Although I am NOT a relationship expert, my advice is Ashley, RUN (don't walk) away and don't look back. You two are not on the same page and the problems will just keep escalating if and when you both decide to get married. The fact that you have had an "on and off" relationship should be indication enough that an important link in your relationship is broken. Been there, done that...Now, it's time to move on! When he is grown and ready to commit, he may realize that he lost a good thing. By then, you will be happily married and raising the family you long for. Best of luck!

Advice from a trained professional:

A: Hi Ashley,

You ask a great question regarding commitment. Six years is a lot of time, energy and emotion to put into a relationship. However, starting a family with the wrong man would be a big mistake indeed. Of course, it’s impossible for me to know if this is the wrong man and if you’re “wasting your time.” But the fact that you’re reaching out tells me that your inner voice is whispering caution into you ear. All I can tell you is this: Judge people more by what they do than by what they say. However, in this case, it appears that what your boyfriend is “doing” and what he is “saying” are in agreement with each other.

If you could attach a voice to his overall demeanor when it comes to marriage and commitment issues, what would that voice be saying to you? Be as honest as you can. Create a one-sentence statement that describes exactly what you hear. Even though I have very limited information here, when I ask myself that question about his behavior, I hear, “I don’t want to commit and I don’t want to get married!” So my question to you is this: Are you unable to hear him OR are you just unwilling to hear him?

Wishing You Great Health,
Dr. John H. Sklare

Source: Lifescript.com

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Why Don't You Love Me?

Beyonce cannot fail in my eyes! Her songs tell stories. Relevant stories. The video to Beyonce's song "Why Don't You Love" me is below.

It's sad but many women experience this sort of melt-down after a break-up. I actually remember experiencing this type of thing in the past. Thinking, asking, wondering "Why? How? Who does he think he is? I have everything he is looking for. and/or He's never going to find someone like me." Truth be told, at the end of the day, it does not even matter if he find someone like you or better than you or if he stays single or even becomes homosexual! It does not matter because you and he just were not meant to be and THAT is why it ended. No need for tears ladies! No one has died!

I have grown a lot since those days of sleepless nights and dark circles around my eyes. I am glad I have moved on to realizing my worth and understanding that although my path has changed, I will find a man that values all of those things Beyonce mentions in her song. No need to dwell on what could have been. Time to move forward ladies!

Why Don't You Love Me?

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Five Star Recovery

I am very happy to say that I have come to a point in my life where I am realizing what is truly important to me. I no longer wish to be in a relationship where I do not get nearly as much as I give. No more looking back to empty promises and one-sided dreams. Hindsight is 20/20.

If I meet someone along the way that is willing to take this journey with me and put in his fair share, then so be it. Until then I will live for me and focus on my wishes, my desires and my aspirations.

This song expresses my feelings perfectly.


Great job Sophia Moon!

"Life is too short to waste unnecessary tears." - Jose "Bello" Peralta

Relationship Problems and how to fix them (6 & 7 of 7)


**You are not a victim. It is your choice whether to react and how to react.

**Be honest with yourself. When you're in the midst of an argument, are your comments directed toward resolution, or are you looking for payback? If your comments are blaming and hurtful, it's best to take a deep breath and change your strategy.

**Change it up. If you continue to respond in the same way that has brought you pain and unhappiness in the past, you can't expect a different result this time. Just one little shift can make a big difference. If you usually jump right in to defend yourself before your partner is finished speaking, hold off for a few moments. You'll be surprised at how such a small shift in tempo can change the whole tone of an argument.

**Give a little; get a lot. Apologize when you're wrong. Sure it's tough, but just try it and watch something wonderful happen.


**Be consistent.
**Be on time.
**Do what you say you will do.
**Don't lie -- not even little white lies, to your partner or to others.
**Be fair, even in an argument.
**Be sensitive to the other's feelings. You can still disagree but don't discount how your partner is feeling.
**Call when you say you will.
**Call to say you'll be home late.
**Carry your fair share of the workload.
**Don't overreact when things go wrong.
**Never say things you can't take back.
**Don't dig up old wounds.
**Respect your partner's boundaries.
**Don’t be jealous.
**Be a good listener.

Although relationships have their ups and downs, there are things you can both do that may well minimize marriage problems, if not help avoid them altogether, says psychologist Karen Sherman. Be realistic. Thinking your mate will meet all your needs -- and will be able to figure them out without your asking -- is a Hollywood fantasy.

Use humor -- learn to let things go and enjoy one another more. And be willing to work on your relationship and to truly look at what needs to be done. Don't think that it will be better with someone else; the same problems you have in this relationship because of lack of skills will still exist.

Source: http://blackdoctor.org/articles1.aspx?counter=37528

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Relationship Problems and how to fix them (4 & 5 of 7)

Struggles Over Home Chores

**Be organized and clear about your respective jobs in the home, Sherman says. "Write all the jobs down and agree on who does what." Be fair: Make sure each partner's tasks are equitable so no resentment builds.

**Be open to other solutions, Sherman adds: If you both hate housework, maybe you can spring for a cleaning service. If one of you likes housework, the other partner can do the laundry and the yard. As long as it feels fair to both people, you can be creative and take preferences into account.

Not Prioritizing Your Relationship

**Do the things you used to do when you were first dating: Make gestures of appreciation, compliment each other, contact each other through the day, and show interest in each other.

**Plan date nights. Schedule time together on the calendar just as you would any other important event in your life.

**Respect one another. Say "thank you," and "I appreciate ... ." It lets your partner know that he/she matters.

Source: http://blackdoctor.org/articles1.aspx?counter=37528

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Relationship Problems and how to fix them (3 of 7)


**Be honest about your current financial situation. If things have gone south, continuing the same lifestyle that was possible before the loss of income is simply unrealistic.

**Don't approach the subject in the heat of battle. Instead, set aside a time that is convenient and non-threatening for both parties.

**Acknowledge that one partner may be a saver and one a spender, understanding that there are benefits to both, and agreeing to learn from each other's tendencies.

**Don't hide income or debt. Bring financial documents, including a recent credit report, pay stubs, bank statements, insurance policies, debts, and investments to the table.

**Don't blame.

**Construct a joint budget that includes savings.

**Decide which person will be responsible for paying the monthly bills.

**Allow each person to have independence by setting aside money to be spent at his or her discretion.

**Decide upon short-term and long-term goals. It's OK to have individual goals, but you should have family goals, too.

**Talk about caring for your parents as they age, and how to appropriately plan for their financial needs, if necessary.

Source: http://blackdoctor.org/articles1.aspx?counter=37528

A Sunday Kind of Love

This is what I need....

A Sunday Kind of Love

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Relationship Problems and how to fix them (2 of 7)


**Plan, plan, plan, Fay says. Make an appointment -- not necessarily at night when everyone is tired. Maybe during the baby's Saturday afternoon nap. Or perhaps a "before-work quickie," Fay suggests. Or ask Grandma and Grandpa to take the kids every other Friday night for a sleepover. "When sex is on the calendar, it increases your anticipation," Fay says, adding that mixing things up a bit can increase your sexual enjoyment as well. Why not sex in the kitchen? Sex by the fire? Sex standing up in the hallway?

**California psychotherapist Allison Cohen, MA, MFT, also suggests learning what truly turns your partner on by asking him or her to come up with a personal "Sexy List." And, of course, you do the same. What do each of you truly find sexy? "The answers may surprise you." Swap the lists and use them to create more scenarios that turn you both on.

**If your sexual relationship problems can't be resolved on your own, Fay recommends consulting a qualified sex therapist, who can help you both address and resolve your issues.

Source: http://blackdoctor.org/articles1.aspx?counter=37528

Friday, April 30, 2010

Relationship Problems and how to fix them (1 of 7)


**Make time ... yes, an actual appointment with each other, Shimberg says. If you live together, put the cell phones on vibrate, put the kids to bed, and let the answering machine pick up your calls.

**If you can't "communicate" without raising your voices, go to a public spot like the library, park, or restaurant, where you'd be embarrassed if anyone saw you screaming.

**Set up some rules ... like not interrupting until the other is through, banning phrases such as "You always ..." or "You never ..."

**Remember that a large part of communication is listening, so be sure your body language reflects that. That means, don't doodle, look at your watch, pick at your nails, etc. Nod so the other person knows you're getting the message and rephrase if necessary, such as, "What I hear you saying is that you feel as though you have more chores at home, even though we're both working." If you're right, the other can confirm, and if what the other person really meant was, hey, you're a slob and you create more work for me by having to pick up after you, perhaps they'll say so but in a nicer way.

Source: http://blackdoctor.org/articles1.aspx?counter=37528

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

"You can take the player out of the game, but you can't take the game out of the player." ~Yomaris Maldonado

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Life's Tid Bits

If a man wants you, nothing can keep him away. If he doesn't want you, nothing can make him stay.

Stop making excuses for a man and his behavior. Allow your intuition (or spirit) to save you from heartache.

Stop trying to change yourself for a relationship that's not meant to be.

Slower is better. Never live your life for a man before you find what makes you truly happy.

If a relationship ends because the man was not treating you as you deserve then heck no, you can't "be friends". A friend wouldn't mistreat a friend.

Don't settle. If you feel like he is stringing you along, then he probably is.

Don't stay because you think "it will get better." You'll be mad at yourself a year later for staying when things are not better.

The only person you can control in a relationship is you.

Avoid men who've got a bunch of children by a bunch of different women. He didn't marry them when he got them pregnant, why would he treat you any differently?

Always have your own set of friends separate from his.

Maintain boundaries in how a guy treats you. If something bothers you, speak up.

Never let a man know everything. He will use it against you later.

You cannot change a man's behavior. Change comes from within.

Don't EVER make him feel he is more important than you are... even if he has more education or in a better job.

Do not make him into a quasi-god. He is a man, nothing more nothing less.

Never let a man define who you are.

Never borrow someone else’s man. If he cheated with you, he’ll cheat on you.

A man will only treat you the way you ALLOW him to treat you.

All men are NOT dogs.

You should not be the one doing all the bending...compromise is two way street.

You need time to heal between relationships...there is nothing cute about baggage...deal with your issues before pursuing a new relationship

You should never look for someone to COMPLETE you…a relationship consists of two WHOLE individuals…look for someone complimentary...not supplementary.

Dating is fun...even if he doesn't turn out to be Mr. Right.

Make him miss you sometimes...when a man always know where you are, and you're always readily available to him - he takes it for granted.

Never move into his mother's house. Never co-sign for a man.

Share this with other women and men (just so they know)... You'll make someone smile, another rethink his/her choices, and another woman prepare.

*They say it takes a minute to find a special person, an hour to appreciate them, a day to love them and an entire lifetime to forget them*

Source: I was told this came from Oprah.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Are you wearing someone else's used underwear?!

This video reveals some scary, filthy secrets.


In summary, wash any and all new lingerie and swimming items before using them.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

So, when are you going to start having kids?

Instead of asking me, “So, when are you going to start having kids?” Please feel free to memorize the following and asking this instead: “So, when are you going to put a hold or completely stop
*Having all of the fun you want to have,
*Going dancing/bowling/to museums/to art galleries,
*Waking up whenever you want,
*Going to sleep whenever you want,
*Watching a movie from start to finish,
*Going to happy hour after work with friends/co-workers or staying late at work to finish the project that is already late,
*Cooking for one to start cooking for many,
*Taking dancing, Philosophy, cooking & acting classes,
*Taking your time to get ready in the morning because you have to shower, dress, feed and take the children to school on time,
*Doing volunteer work that requires you to fly to different countries,
*Being intimate with your partner without worrying about waking the kids,
*Taking vacations whenever, wherever and for however long you want to take them,
*Spending/saving money as you wish,
*Dressing however you want to dress, without people looking at you sideways, because mothers should maybe dress a certain way,
*Living your life as if no one depends on your every decision,
*Watching whatever you want on television without having to listen to Nickelodeon reruns,
*Having crazy adventures like going skydiving or water rafting, without worrying if you will live to see your child(ren) become parents,
*Sending text messages or spending/wasting time on Facebook so that you can dedicate quality time to your child(ren),
*Reading the books you want to read, to ensure that your child(ren) are literate/intelligent
*Working on films/photoshoots/figuring out what exactly you want to be in life so that you can help the little person that now looks up to you, figure out what they want to be in life.
*Worrying 100% about yourself and start worrying about the future of a human being you brought into this world and making sure that they are getting the proper education to be successful, somebodies in this crazy world we live in, while not succumbing to peer pressure, drug addiction and/or the mental abuse that so many people endure.

How about this: I don’t want a child.

I want a FAMILY. I want to be a mother and I want to be a wife. I want a husband that loves me and that will be by my side through thick and thin. I want my child(ren) to look up to their mother and father with respect and awe at how cool we are, while wishing they grew up to be just like us. I want a house with a fence and a dog and a fish. Hold on, I could probably do without the fish. I want to know that I am not in it by myself. I want to raise a stable household where my child(ren) will not wonder why mommy didn’t have all of the fun she needed to have before becoming a mother. At the end of the day, besides wanting people to stop asking me when I am going to have kids (after listening to their horror stories of motherhood), I want to take my time. If that is too much to ask for, oh well.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Tings Already Betta...

I recently returned from a life changing adventure to Kingston, Jamaica. Thanks to the generous donations of a few co-workers, friends and family, I was able to embark on a journey that helped shed some light on my life and that of at least 9 other (amazing/courageous) people. After raising $1,000, I went on a Missionary Trip with some of my HBO co-workers to help Mustard Seed Communities, a Catholic Organization dedicated to helping abandoned, disabled children.

During this week-long trip:
We donated money. Thank you to all of those that helped make this possible.
We donated our energy through physical labor. We worked on some major projects such as farmwork/gardening, painting, organizing, moving heavy building materials, etc.
Last, but not least, we donated our time and our hearts. We met and spent quality time with abandoned children and young adults with major physical disabilities stemming from illnesses such as Hydrocephalus, Microcephalus/microcephaly, Macrocephaly, Spina bifida, Cerebal Palsy, Downs-Syndrome and HIV/AIDS to name afew. We hugged/spoke to/helped feed young children that will be wheelchair bound for the rest of lives. We met young mothers that were abandoned by their parents or that left home when they became a teenage mother. We brought joy and laughter to little boys and girls that were abandoned after being born with HIV/AIDS.

I was especially touched by a young boy named Anthony. Anthony is blind and has Hydrocephalus, which is a build up of fluid inside the skull, leading to brain swelling. (Source: https://health.google.com/health/ref/Hydrocephalus). Although, he could not see us, nor could he speak to us, Anthony seemed incredibly happy to know there were new people surrounding him and giving him love and attention. He held my hand and rubbed his face with it while he incessantly squirmed around in his wheelchair. Through my tears, I sang to him and he smiled. When we were leaving, I sensed that he knew something was about to change and he was not as cheery as he was every other day of my trip. He did not move around in his wheelchair as he had during the week and he did not rub my hand on his face, he simply held it tightly and close to his chest. Tears flood my eyes when I think of the tear drop I saw coming from the corner of his eye as I said goodbye.

This life changing trip will forever stay in my mind and heart. Even though it took some getting used to seeing the things I saw and staying in an area experiencing a drought (bathing with a bucket full of cold water makes you really appreciate the warm running showers in the US), I look forward to attending more Missionary Trips and I hope you will help me brighten someone else's life by donating when the next opportunity arises. Thank you in advance.

Please feel free to see some of the pictures from the trip (link below). Please note that due to confidentiality, this does not include pictures of the disabled children, but if you would like to see then, please let me know.


Thank you for your time.

All the best,

Thursday, January 28, 2010

A note on parenting

"Parents who show their children that they love them unconditionally - just because they are who they are - build a foundation of healthy self-respect that will sustain the children for the rest of their lives." Napolean Hill's Positive Action Plan 1/28

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

The Magic Moment

"We have to take risks. We can only truly understand the miracle of life when we let the unexpected manifest itself.

Every day – together with the sun – God gives us a moment in which it is possible to change everything that makes us unhappy. Every day we try to pretend that we don’t realize that moment, that it doesn’t exist, that today is just the same as yesterday and will be the same as tomorrow. But if you pay attention, you can discover the magic instant.

It may be hiding at the moment when we put the key in the door in the morning, in the silence right after dinner, in the thousand and one things that all seem the same to us. This moment exists – a moment when all the strength of the stars passes through us and lets us work miracles.

Happiness is at times a blessing – but usually it’s a conquest. The magic instant helps us to change, drives us forward to seek our dreams. We shall suffer and go through quite a few difficult moments and face many a disappointment – but this is all transitory and inevitable, and eventually we shall feel proud of the marks left behind by the obstacles. In the future we will be able to look back with pride and faith.

Poor are those who are afraid of running risks. Because maybe they are never disappointed, never disillusioned, never suffer like those who have a dream to pursue. But when they look back – for we always look back – they will hear their heart saying: “What did you do with the miracles that God sowed for your days? What did you do with the talent that your Master entrusted to you? You buried it deep in a grave because you were afraid to lose it. So this is your inheritance: the certainty that you have wasted your life.”

Poor are those who hear these words. For then they will believe in miracles, but the magic instants of life will have already passed."

from “By the river Piedra I sat down and wept” by Paulo Coelho