Thursday, September 9, 2010

(S)He Keeps on Passing me By

"Find Your Love

Let me ask you a question, do you think that you’ve already met the person that you will spend your life with, or has that person not entered your life yet? Take some time to think about it – your answer may say more about who you are than you think.

If you think that the person that you will marry is already in your life than perhaps you are already in a relationship with that person. If that’s the case then what is keeping you from making that jump? Too young? Scared of commitment? Trust issues? Something is keeping you from walking down that aisle and you need to figure it out and fix it. If you’re not in a relationship and that person is in your life, then you could be someone that is scared to take a risk. You should go up to that girl who you see at that coffee shop every morning or that guy that you see walking his daughter home from school in the afternoon. It could be a long-time friend of yours who you’ve dismissed because you two were never “single at the same time”. The best relationships often start as friendships so make that move.

If you think that special person has not entered your life then maybe there is a flaw on your part when it comes to relationships. When we break up with people, we often find faults in the other party and chalk it up to him or her not being "the one". But maybe the problem is you and you should make more of an attempt to make the next relationship work. People who believe they are still waiting to meet "Mr. or Ms. Right" may be people who are impossible to please – people who are searching for perfection that doesn’t exist. Perhaps you take the smallest imperfection and use that as an excuse to push them away. You may need to realize that the perfect person for you is far from perfect.

Love has a weird way of appearing and disappearing on a moment’s notice. The problem that we all have is we constantly over analyze and complicate our situations and we allow opportunities to pass us by. The truth is we’ve probably all met someone who could have or should have been our future spouses but something got in the way and that chance was lost. And no matter who you are, the next “the one” will come into your life again someday. And when he or she does...

Just remember to hold on tight and don't let go."

Source: Straightpen: She keeps on passing me by

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