"Odd how only when our physical life is at risk, do we follow certain guidelines to protect ourselves. But what about our emotional lives? Wouldn't it be nice if there was a little pamphlet to warn us what unsafe behavior might be high risk to ourselves or our relationships? And even if you take all the precautions and emotionally try to protect yourself, when you crawl in bed with someone is sex ever safe?" -Carrie Bradshaw {Sex and The City, Season 3, Episode 41}
So...you ended a relationship and both you and your ex have moved on. Time passes, and maybe one of you got married to someone else or you are just both in other relationships. When you finally see one another (maybe you bump into one another on the street, drive up next to one another at a stoplight, whatever the encounter may be), you both get that funny feeling in your stomach you always used to get in the beginning of your relationship. Your heart starts beating triple time, your palms get sweaty, the butterflies are flying rampant in our tightly woven intestines. And with the slight lift of one eyebrow, you think: "What is the harm in rekindling an old flame. We've already slept with one another so it doesn't count if we do it again, right?"
In the Sex and The City episode described above, Carrie was sleeping with her Ex, Mr. Big, while she was dating someone and while he was married to a young lady named Natasha. The butterflies were so strong that they could not hold back and they went at it, again, and again, and again. They would meet in random hotels in the city, at odd hours, for a quickie here or there, but in the end, they were both still cheating on their significant others (whether they had been with one another before the new people came in the picture). Also, something inside of Carrie knew that Mr. Big was not going to commit to her, especially because he could have his cake and eat it too. Hate to ruin it for you, but at the end of this Episode Carrie and Mr. Big meet again. This time in his house. They make love on the bed he usually sleeps with his wife in. His wife comes home early from a trip and finds Carrie trying to exit her once happy home. This, similar to most infidelity stricken relationships, did not end on a good note. FOUR people were extremely hurt by Carrie and Big's selfish behavior.
Although Carrie may not have been being physically hurt by this experience with Mr. Big, her emotions where on a roller coaster ride that would soon come crashing down. So, why do we put ourselves in these types of situations? Why do we continue to get into toxic relationships when we know that we are headed full-steam down a dead-end street? Why do we look both ways when we are crossing the street, yet we don't truly analyze how our actions in certain relationships will affect us or others emotionally? As Carrie asked above, even if we had a huge rule book on relationships and emotions, are we ever truly safe when dealing with intimacy, love, sex or any matters of the heart?
Moral of the story: think before you act.
Ne-Yo's "It Just Ain't Right" video:
"I'm a "Theif" when it comes to SEX. In and out like a robbery!!"
S x is what u make it...
Yomaris I must say you be going deep! On the Heart ... I understand where your post is coming from a dedicate thing to be giving and giving and being crush and crushed! And as for the sex ... Well when you got it...then you know you got it .... All I will say about tht
Molike M Green
Sex sexy sexiddy sex sex
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