Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Is it too good to be true?

"Maybe you don't think it's for real, unless someone is playing hard to get?" -Miranda {Sex and the City Season 3 Episode 37 "Drama Queens"}

"When things come too easy, we're suspect. Do they have to get complicated before we believe they're for real? We are raised to believe that the course of true love never runs smoothly. There always has to be obstacles in Act II before you can live happily ever after in Act III. But what happens when the obstacles aren't there? Does that mean there is something missing? Do we need drama to make a relationship work?" -Carrie Bradshaw {Sex and The City Season 3 Episode 37 "Drama Queens"}

When things are rough in our relationships, we complain, yet when we are coasting by and everything seems to be going our way, we still complain!!!! Are human beings ever satisfied? I believe, it's rather tough to be optimistic about the future of our own relationship, when we see that every other relationship around us is completely screwed up. Maybe everyone else in their wild rollercoaster ride relationship is normal and we are not? This one is cheating on that one; that one is in love with this one but married with children to this other one; their family travels more than mine; my wife and I don't have enough sex (or too much sex..if that's even possible); and the list is endless... How can someone think about living happily ever after in a relationship with all of these negative thoughts about everyone else's messed up relationship? We inevitably start to wonder, why is my relationship going well? There MUST be something he/she is hiding from me? This has to start going sour sometime soon?! Maybe I need to stir something up or start an argument so that we could be normal....like every other relationship?! But why are we conditioned to think this way?

Why do you have to find something wrong with your relationship when things are going well??

Why would an anxiety-free relationship drive you crazy?

Why does it HAVE to be too good to be true?

Why not just enjoy the ride?!?!?!? Who knows maybe it will stay beautiful, wonderful, great forever!


Anonymous said...

Interesting blog. Pessimistic relations huh? It's all relative...we always think things could be better...I think it's more of that than thinking things are too good to be true...so in thinking things could be better, we look for an area where things aren't so good, in essentially, "finding something wrong" when erceptibly "everything is right."


Anonymous said...

Ditto Jamal. I cound't have written it better. Thanks for your help.

Anonymous said...



I'm glad my words hit home for you. Sorry i didn't get back earlier