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Friday, December 11, 2009
Leave Poor Tiger Alone!
OH YES!!! Please leave the poor rich man alone! Please excuse his infidelity, irresponsible behavior and leave his lying ass alone. He has done absolutely nothing wrong, besides being a complete liar, a cheat, a poor excuse for a man and a horrible role model for all young men out there.
Ok…Let's get serious. Why is the media making this such a big deal when we have to deal with war, Global Warming, poverty, racism, starvation, drugs and hate crimes among other injustices that plague this country, this world? Even though, this is not the biggest issue we are facing, this IS a big deal. People look up to Tiger Woods, this 'once child prodigy, nerdy, honest, millionaire which is arguably the world's greatest golfer, that married a model and has the perfect life'. There are people that aspire to be like him. He endorses and has been a spokesperson for many products we purchase/use daily. How are we going to ever trust his word (or that of any spokesperson) when he cannot even be trusted by his wife? Why would we listen to a two-faced, hypocrite when he is living a double life by allegedly being unfaithful to his wife with a string of women? His supposed text messages to “Jaimee Grubbs” are disgusting and plain sad [1]. I feel bad for his wife, Elin, the woman that had faith in him and in their marriage. I am assuming trusted him and let him do his thing on his trips and on the weekends in the hopes that he would come home and be true to his word. Unfortunately, he was busy in other ways, potentially bringing home diseases along with the grocery bags. Who cares if she was sitting at home with all of the money in the world? When your husband, your other half, is not by your side, the money doesn't mean much.
How does he appear in the eyes and mind of a young man growing up in this already tumultuous environment? How can boys idolize a man who has turned out to be more than just a player of golf? How do women trust men that will tell you they love you and that they are heading off to work, when they are possibly gallivanting around with other women? Will we ever live in a society where trust, fidelity, responsibility, probity and love actually mean something?
Please note, this is not only about Tiger Woods; it’s about many men out there. This is also not meant to be a man bashing blog. It isn’t, I promise. So I will now move right along to the other despicable culprit. Many people have been harping on the fact that Tiger did wrong, but let's not forget that it takes two to tango. Jaimee flaunted her stuff in front of him, and unfortunately some, if not most men are as good/honest as their options. She, and all of the other home wreckers out there, ruins it for the rest of us. How are men going to ever trust women when that type of behavior is taking place left and right? How are men supposed to ever stay faithful if more and more women WANT to be a mistress? Um…hello…don't you get it? You will NEVER be number 1 AND you will NEVER get a good man by your side because of your whorish ways!
Eve Ensler one day said, ”women are the primary resource of the planet. They give birth, we come from them, they are mothers, they are visionaries [and] they are the future.” (see awesome video [2] below) How exactly is Jaimee setting an example for little girls around the word by being a…tramp? What role models do young girls have to look up to when a lot of women in the public eye, being continuously broadcasted in these young women's faces, are partaking in this sort of behavior?
Ladies (not sure if I could even call you that), do us all a favor and start setting a better example for women all over the world. Keep your legs closed and your pants on when it comes to other people's husbands and boyfriends. Take some time to look for someone that is available and willing to give you 100%, not just a Sunday night for a fling. Think about it, is that all you really want to be? A jumpoff? A weekend fling? A homewrecker?
In summary, how is the average man going to be respected by women if we cannot even respect the Senators, Presidents, Priests, celebrities and all of the other so called honorable men that run this country? How do we keep a spirit of optimism when the reality we face is one in which it is more and more difficult to trust those closest to you? How do we all start moving towards respecting one another, the relationships we are in and the families we are trying to build?
[1] Text Messages
[2] 13:00min until the end Eve Ensler on Security
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ohma many question!!!!!
I heard someone say once that when a guy shows off his girl friend his best friend will say "i need a girl like that"
when a girl shows off her man to her best friend..her best friends says "i need HIM".......
have a great weekend!
With great power comes great responsibility...but why are we all so quick to forget what he accompished for the sport...yes he F'ed up..but had it been Joe shmoe the infidel no one would give a shit...
Not sure about everyone else, but I am definitely not forgetting his great accomplishments. I am simply pointing out that it is important to recognize the hundreds of thousands of young people that look up to him. If we are okay with his f'ed up behavior towards women, then young men all over this world will grow up with the mentality that this ... See Moreis okay. I assume you and other faithful men out there would not want to see their daughters being hurt by this sort of thing... Also, I am pointing out that her behavior is unacceptable as well. We don't need more women throwing themselves at married men. It's absurd!
I hear u YM..u have valid points..
why is it always about men doing it when women do It just as much. If people have to look up to celebrities to figure out life then they got problems.
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