For 2 years a man was having an affair with an Italian woman. One night, she confided in him that she was pregnant. Not wanting to ruin his reputation or his marriage, he paid her a large sum of money if she would go to Italy to secretly have the child. If she stayed in Italy to raise the child, he would also provide child support until the child turned 18.
She agreed, but asked how he would know when the baby was born. To keep it discrete, he told her to simply mail him a post card, and write 'Spaghetti' on the back. He would then arrange for the child support payments to begin.
One day, about 9 months later, he came home to his confused wife.
"Honey!," she said, "you received a very strange post card today."
"Oh, just give it to me and I'll explain it later," he said. The wife obeyed and watched as her husband read the card, turned white, and fainted.
On the card was written:
"Spaghetti, Spaghetti, Spaghetti, Spaghetti, Spaghetti.
Three with meatballs, two without. Send extra sauce."
-Author Unknown
Makes you think twice...huh?
This at times controversial blog is designed to let you post comments/questions/concerns about Relationships. Relationships you have been part of, are currently in, or are thinking about entering. Post song lyrics, videos, articles, movie quotes, books, something you overheard, anything!! The good, the bad, the great, the sad....Free your Heart and your Mind on this blogspot! Would you like to see a particular thread started? Please e-mail me at
Monday, March 30, 2009
Saturday, March 28, 2009
"The Alchemist" on Love
"When you are in love, things make even more sense."
The Alchemist, By Paulo Coelho, Page 100
"You must understand that love never keeps a man from pursuing his Personal Legend. If he abandons that pursuit, it's because it wasn't true love...the love that speaks the Language of the World."
The Alchemist, By Paulo Coelho, Page 120
"One is loved, because one is loved. No reason is needed for loving."
The Alchemist, By Paulo Coelho, Page 122
"Wherever your heart is, that is where you'll find your treasure."
The Alchemist, By Paulo Coelho, Page 128
"When you are loved, you can do anything in creation. When you are loved, there's no need at all to understand what's happening, because everything happens within you, and even men can turn themselves into the wind. As long as the wind helps, of course."
The Alchemist, By Paulo Coelho, Page 147
The Alchemist, By Paulo Coelho, Page 100
"You must understand that love never keeps a man from pursuing his Personal Legend. If he abandons that pursuit, it's because it wasn't true love...the love that speaks the Language of the World."
The Alchemist, By Paulo Coelho, Page 120
"One is loved, because one is loved. No reason is needed for loving."
The Alchemist, By Paulo Coelho, Page 122
"Wherever your heart is, that is where you'll find your treasure."
The Alchemist, By Paulo Coelho, Page 128
"When you are loved, you can do anything in creation. When you are loved, there's no need at all to understand what's happening, because everything happens within you, and even men can turn themselves into the wind. As long as the wind helps, of course."
The Alchemist, By Paulo Coelho, Page 147
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Cigarettes and Tampons
A man walks into a pharmacy and wanders up & down the aisles.
The sales girl notices him and asks him if she can help him.
He answers that he is looking for a box of tampons for his wife.
She directs him down the correct aisle.
A few minutes later, he deposits a huge bag of cotton balls and a ball of string on the counter.
She says, confused, 'Sir, I thought you were looking for some tampons for your wife?
He answers, "You see, it's like this, yesterday, I sent my wife to the store
to get me a carton of cigarettes, and she came back with a tin of tobacco
and some rolling papers; cause it's sooo-ooo--oo-ooo much cheaper.
So, I figure if I have to roll my own, so does she!"
The sales girl notices him and asks him if she can help him.
He answers that he is looking for a box of tampons for his wife.
She directs him down the correct aisle.
A few minutes later, he deposits a huge bag of cotton balls and a ball of string on the counter.
She says, confused, 'Sir, I thought you were looking for some tampons for your wife?
He answers, "You see, it's like this, yesterday, I sent my wife to the store
to get me a carton of cigarettes, and she came back with a tin of tobacco
and some rolling papers; cause it's sooo-ooo--oo-ooo much cheaper.
So, I figure if I have to roll my own, so does she!"
True love
"True love is neither physical nor romantic. It is acceptance of all that is, has been, will be and will not be."
~Phil John
~Phil John
Twin Soul
“It’s easy to understand that someone in the world awaits you, whether it’s in the middle of the desert or in some great city. And when two such people encounter each other, and their eyes meet, the past and the future become unimportant. There is only that moment, and the incredible certainty that everything under the sun has been written by one hand only. It is the hand that evokes love, and creates a twin soul for every person in the world. Without such love, one’s dreams would have no meaning.”
Source: “The Alchemist” by Paulo Coelho Page 93
Similar topic:
Source: “The Alchemist” by Paulo Coelho Page 93
Similar topic:
Monday, March 23, 2009
Friday, March 20, 2009
I just got back from LQ's (Latin Quarters) and I had a not-so-nice experience with a guy (or two). Unfortunately, it seems like hints don't really work for some guys, so I had to share my thoughts. Thanks for listening!!
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
"Feelings are not supposed to be logical. Dangerous is the man who has rationalized his emotions."
-David Borenstein
-David Borenstein
Monday, March 16, 2009
Age ain't nothin' but a number…or is it?
"When you're a young guy in your 20's women are controlling the relationship. So by the time you're an eligible man in your 30's, you feel like you're being devoured by women. Suddenly, the guys are holding all the chips." {Sex and the City, Season 1, Episode 1}
As I sit on the train, contemplating writing about the relevance of age in a relationship, I just overheard 2 ladies talking about the very same topic!! What a sign!! One of them mentioned how guys her age don't even look at her, they only want younger women (she stated she was 36). So she either has to go for younger men or much older men. Seeming a bit frustrated, she said "there's no point in even looking at the 36 year olds."
I've heard the saying "Age ain't nothin' but a number," but the truth is that, it is quite important in any type of relationship. People say that women tend to mature faster than men, so while women in their 20's believe they are ready to settle down; men in that age group are just starting to have fun. They would rather wait to tie the knot, get hitched, have a kid and "settle" down. By the time, they become ripe in their early 30's, the women in their age bracket are either married to older men, still single & possibly desperate, or have decided that they don't want to deal with the struggles of a relationship.
In the past I dated someone that was, what I consider, much older than me and eventually I realized that we were riding two different waves. Our interests were completely different and our goals/focus at that point in time were vastly different as well. Lately, I have been approached by older men that know exactly what they want in a relationship/in a woman and they are ready to get married and start a family. Now that I have matured, the men that are 5-10 years older seem more attractive than those in my age group because they’ve done all of their fooling around and seem more ready to take care of business. However, I am moving towards the “I need to focus on ME, MYSELF and I” mentality. After having been in a long-term relationship where I was convinced I wanted to get married relatively soon (within 2-3 years), now that I am recently single, I realize that I kind of like my “Yomaris time”. On the other side of the spectrum, I’ve had a couple of younger guy’s approach me and I can’t even find similar topics of interest to discuss. Then I think…“I’m sorry, I can’t do this.” I’m not in the mood to help raise a semi-grown a*s man. The maturity level is simply not there, so the chemistry is OFF, non-existent, zilch!?!
Is it okay/normal for an older woman to date a younger man? If a younger woman settles down with an older man, will she eventually think “wow, why am I with this old fogey?! We have nothing in common!!” Why do men tend to wait until their 30’s to decide they are ready to settle down? Then, when they finally reach their age of reason, why do they want much younger women? Overall, why are the people of “Generation X” waiting longer to settle down? When it comes to romantic relationships, should age really matter?
Aaliyah - Age Ain't Nothing But A Number
As I sit on the train, contemplating writing about the relevance of age in a relationship, I just overheard 2 ladies talking about the very same topic!! What a sign!! One of them mentioned how guys her age don't even look at her, they only want younger women (she stated she was 36). So she either has to go for younger men or much older men. Seeming a bit frustrated, she said "there's no point in even looking at the 36 year olds."
I've heard the saying "Age ain't nothin' but a number," but the truth is that, it is quite important in any type of relationship. People say that women tend to mature faster than men, so while women in their 20's believe they are ready to settle down; men in that age group are just starting to have fun. They would rather wait to tie the knot, get hitched, have a kid and "settle" down. By the time, they become ripe in their early 30's, the women in their age bracket are either married to older men, still single & possibly desperate, or have decided that they don't want to deal with the struggles of a relationship.
In the past I dated someone that was, what I consider, much older than me and eventually I realized that we were riding two different waves. Our interests were completely different and our goals/focus at that point in time were vastly different as well. Lately, I have been approached by older men that know exactly what they want in a relationship/in a woman and they are ready to get married and start a family. Now that I have matured, the men that are 5-10 years older seem more attractive than those in my age group because they’ve done all of their fooling around and seem more ready to take care of business. However, I am moving towards the “I need to focus on ME, MYSELF and I” mentality. After having been in a long-term relationship where I was convinced I wanted to get married relatively soon (within 2-3 years), now that I am recently single, I realize that I kind of like my “Yomaris time”. On the other side of the spectrum, I’ve had a couple of younger guy’s approach me and I can’t even find similar topics of interest to discuss. Then I think…“I’m sorry, I can’t do this.” I’m not in the mood to help raise a semi-grown a*s man. The maturity level is simply not there, so the chemistry is OFF, non-existent, zilch!?!
Is it okay/normal for an older woman to date a younger man? If a younger woman settles down with an older man, will she eventually think “wow, why am I with this old fogey?! We have nothing in common!!” Why do men tend to wait until their 30’s to decide they are ready to settle down? Then, when they finally reach their age of reason, why do they want much younger women? Overall, why are the people of “Generation X” waiting longer to settle down? When it comes to romantic relationships, should age really matter?
Aaliyah - Age Ain't Nothing But A Number

Friday, March 13, 2009
How to Tell if a Guy Is Cheating
John Edwards isn't the only man to stray when he already has a fabulous woman by his side. Do the headlines have you spooked? Here are the surprising signs a dude is being unfaithful.
By Holly Eagleson
1. He’s superprotective of his gadgets. “The main way that trysts are found out is through the discovery of incriminating e-mails, IM chats, cell phone texts or bills,” says Belisa Vranich, PsyD, a clinical psychologist in New York City. So if he’s being unfaithful, he may guard his gadgets or act really defensive when you innocently touch his phone or computer. It should be a giant red flag if he readily gave you passwords in the past, and now he’s more evasive.
2. He steps up the grooming. “This is so obvious, but it’s a sign many women miss: If your man starts grooming down there without you requesting it, that could be an indication that he’s spending more time naked,” says Vranich. You can actually thank porn for this tipoff. Guys today are used to viewing manscaped dudes onscreen, so if he has another chick to impress with his sexual prowess, he may emulate those ultra-trimmed guys. Another clue: He’s spending more time at the gym.
3. He smells different. “When he comes home, if he doesn’t smell the same as he did in the morning, and it isn’t the scent of soap in the gym or at your home, it may be because he’s showered at her place,” offers Vranich. So pay attention, because in this case, that old saying “the nose knows” might very well be true.
4. Nothing fazes him anymore. “If he was short-tempered before, a combination of added sex and attention could be making him way more relaxed, even downright giddy,” Vranich says. Adds Mira Kirshenbaum, author of When Good People Have Affairs: Inside the Hearts and Minds of People in Two Relationships: “If your guy is suddenly going around all happy and whistling, then you need to find out why.”
5. He becomes suspicious of you. “If he’s normally a mellow type, all of a sudden he may want to know where you are all the time and with whom,” says Vranich. “It’s the result of him realizing that if he’s cheating and it’s not that hard, you might also be getting away with it.” Also, beware of extremely detailed responses to even your most innocent “How was work today?” queries. He may be preparing epic answers because he’s terrified of getting caught.
One caveat: If your sex life hasn’t fallen off, that’s no guarantee that he’s faithful. “It’s a serious mistake to think that affairs are necessarily sexual. He may just be unhappy in other parts of the relationship,” says Kirshenbaum. In fact, an illicit relationship could even stoke his lust for you.
By Holly Eagleson
1. He’s superprotective of his gadgets. “The main way that trysts are found out is through the discovery of incriminating e-mails, IM chats, cell phone texts or bills,” says Belisa Vranich, PsyD, a clinical psychologist in New York City. So if he’s being unfaithful, he may guard his gadgets or act really defensive when you innocently touch his phone or computer. It should be a giant red flag if he readily gave you passwords in the past, and now he’s more evasive.
2. He steps up the grooming. “This is so obvious, but it’s a sign many women miss: If your man starts grooming down there without you requesting it, that could be an indication that he’s spending more time naked,” says Vranich. You can actually thank porn for this tipoff. Guys today are used to viewing manscaped dudes onscreen, so if he has another chick to impress with his sexual prowess, he may emulate those ultra-trimmed guys. Another clue: He’s spending more time at the gym.
3. He smells different. “When he comes home, if he doesn’t smell the same as he did in the morning, and it isn’t the scent of soap in the gym or at your home, it may be because he’s showered at her place,” offers Vranich. So pay attention, because in this case, that old saying “the nose knows” might very well be true.
4. Nothing fazes him anymore. “If he was short-tempered before, a combination of added sex and attention could be making him way more relaxed, even downright giddy,” Vranich says. Adds Mira Kirshenbaum, author of When Good People Have Affairs: Inside the Hearts and Minds of People in Two Relationships: “If your guy is suddenly going around all happy and whistling, then you need to find out why.”
5. He becomes suspicious of you. “If he’s normally a mellow type, all of a sudden he may want to know where you are all the time and with whom,” says Vranich. “It’s the result of him realizing that if he’s cheating and it’s not that hard, you might also be getting away with it.” Also, beware of extremely detailed responses to even your most innocent “How was work today?” queries. He may be preparing epic answers because he’s terrified of getting caught.
One caveat: If your sex life hasn’t fallen off, that’s no guarantee that he’s faithful. “It’s a serious mistake to think that affairs are necessarily sexual. He may just be unhappy in other parts of the relationship,” says Kirshenbaum. In fact, an illicit relationship could even stoke his lust for you.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Slumdog Love
I am sorry I waited until after Slumdog Millionaire won 8 Academy Awards to watch it. Either way, it was a wonderful movie, to say the least. The love story depicted in this movie, expressed how beautiful true love could be and how much one must work when tying to achieve their relationship/life goals. The "slumdog", Jamal, played by Dev Patel is completely in love with Latika, played by Freida Pinto. He falls in love with her when they are between the ages of 4 and 6 and spends the rest of his youth trying to find his lost love. In Mumbai, a city populated with over 18 million people, Jamal sets out to find Latika and is quite successful at doing so (I guess anything is possible in "Bollywood"). Unfortunately, Latika experiences a rough break when she falls prey to deceitful men that use her for her beauty and later take advantage of her femininity to the ultimate level. The abuse she endures, leaves her mind believing that she is worthless and only good for pleasing men in one way: sexually. On various occasions, when Jamal finds her and expresses his genuine love, she shuns him because she does not know what love truly is. Her life has been reduced to men violating her physically, mentally & emotionally, which is what she considers normal. It is not until Jamal becomes a contestant on "Who Wants to be a Millionaire," that she realizes that he would do anything to be by her side. He gets beaten up numerous times, risks his life over and over and is later jailed while being accused of fraud so that Latika could see what he is capable of for her love.
I know that movies tend to be fairy tales, but one day, I too will find a slumdog that would do nearly anything to live happily ever after by my side.
I know that movies tend to be fairy tales, but one day, I too will find a slumdog that would do nearly anything to live happily ever after by my side.
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Love Lost
"Some believe lost love can't be reclaimed
In its wake it has left many hearts mamed
Months have past since we agreed to move on
Absence gave impressions feelings were gone
During this time I've scoured through my mind
Trying to figure out why true love I can't find
Can it be so elusive to evade me all these years
Or maybe I am on the run stricken with fears
If I ever saw it and glared right into its face
Would it be recognizeable, finally concluding this chase
What's baffling is that my answer is still unsure
Handed the world my audacity would plead for more
It's said only a fool looks a gift horse in the mouth
So clearly I'm the reason our love went south
You were placed too easily, undervalued your worth
An angel taking haven right here on earth
Posing too many questions was my greatest flaw
I should've embraced you and been left simply in awe
Do overs don't exist on this trip we call life
Best thing to do is to learn from the strife
Remember the narrative of the Great Wall
My hand is still reaching, I won't let you fall
Finally we have become authentic true friends
Took a few years but well worth it in the end"
Submitted by: Alain Paultre
In its wake it has left many hearts mamed
Months have past since we agreed to move on
Absence gave impressions feelings were gone
During this time I've scoured through my mind
Trying to figure out why true love I can't find
Can it be so elusive to evade me all these years
Or maybe I am on the run stricken with fears
If I ever saw it and glared right into its face
Would it be recognizeable, finally concluding this chase
What's baffling is that my answer is still unsure
Handed the world my audacity would plead for more
It's said only a fool looks a gift horse in the mouth
So clearly I'm the reason our love went south
You were placed too easily, undervalued your worth
An angel taking haven right here on earth
Posing too many questions was my greatest flaw
I should've embraced you and been left simply in awe
Do overs don't exist on this trip we call life
Best thing to do is to learn from the strife
Remember the narrative of the Great Wall
My hand is still reaching, I won't let you fall
Finally we have become authentic true friends
Took a few years but well worth it in the end"
Submitted by: Alain Paultre
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