"I'm so confused. Does he only want me now because he can't have me?" -Carrie Bradshaw {Sex and The City, Season 3, Episode 41 “Running with Scissors”}
This quote exemplifies what many women think when they see themselves finally moving on after being dumped by an Ex. After breaking up with his lady, he sees that she has moved on and all of a sudden he wants to be back in the picture. He will come back when he misses what they had, when he gets a taste of what is out there, when he realizes that he had it good when he was with her, that he could have dealt with her issues and that every relationship basically flows the same way. He will come back when he knows he was in fact in love. He will realize that he wants to settle down because hopping around may not be as fulfilling as a steady relationship in the long run. He may notice that all of his memories are fleeting and that he cannot discuss his life experiences or reminisce with someone about special moments in his past because they were all with different women.
Beyonce's hit single "Single Ladies (Put a Ring on it)" tells single ladies to raise their hands and celebrate their new found freedom. She also clearly states that men should start to realize what they have before someone else comes into the picture and scoops up their prized posession. They need to realize that a good lady is hard to find. Some men find it difficult to commit until their timing is perfectly right so although they may have found "the right one," they are willing to let her go until they are done playing the field. A young lady by the name of C. Moore had the perfect interpretation of this song, she stated that: “She's (Beyonce) talking about the sense of entitlement that some men think they have with a women who they don't want to fully commit to. So a guy is with a chick, doesn't want to marry her, but then again doesn't want to lose her to someone who is actually ready to commit on that level.”
Beyonce - "Single Ladies (Put A Ring On It)" OFFICIAL VIDEO
The KEY lyrics to Miss B’s song:
You decided to dip (dip), but now you want to trip (trip)
Cause another brother noticed me
Cause I cried my tears (tears), for three good years (years)
You can't be mad at me
I can care less what you think
I need no permission
Cause you had your turn (turn)
But now you gon' learn
What it really feels like to Miss B
Don't treat me to these things of this world
I'm not that kind of girl
Your love is what I prefer, what I deserve
Here's a man that makes me then takes me
And delivers me to a destiny, to infinity and beyond
Pull me into your arms
Say I'm the one you want
If you don't, you'll be alone
And like a ghost, I'll be gone
Cause if you liked it then you should have put a ring on it
If you liked it then you should have put a ring on it
Don't be mad once you see that he want it
If you liked it then you should have put a ring on it
This at times controversial blog is designed to let you post comments/questions/concerns about Relationships. Relationships you have been part of, are currently in, or are thinking about entering. Post song lyrics, videos, articles, movie quotes, books, something you overheard, anything!! The good, the bad, the great, the sad....Free your Heart and your Mind on this blogspot! Would you like to see a particular thread started? Please e-mail me at FreeHeartsandMinds@gmail.com.
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Friday, November 28, 2008
They don't call it a job for nothin'!
"Easy? You men have no idea what we're dealing with down there?! Teeth placement and jaw stress and suction and gag reflex and all the while bobbing up and down, moaning and trying to breath through our noses. Easy? Honey! They don't call it a job for nothin'! Now, having sad all that, with the right man, it can be fabulous. That is, unless the man in question has Spunk that's like a trip to the rotten egg buffet." -Samantha Jones {Sex and The City Season 3 Episode 39 "Easy Come Easy Go"}
This is a very interesting quote from Sex and The City which I heard yesterday and I HAD to add it here with a couple of points I wanted to make:
(1) I believe partners should appreciate one another and all of the efforts they make in trying to please each other. You should both be working on making the relationship work and no one should have it easier than the other person. I don’t mean this only in a sexual sense, but in every aspect of the relationship.
(2) In this Episode of S&TC, Samantha said this to the person she was being intimate with because his “Spunk” as she liked to call it, did not taste like a banana split with a cherry on top. Bodily functions are usually not very yummy and unless you are 100% okay with drinking/eating your own bodily functions, you should not think that your partner is obligated to drink/eat yours…especially not every single time! Then again, EVEN IF you are okay with eating/drinking your bodily function (or someone else’s), not everyone has the same taste buds and/or appetite. Understand that!!!
(3) Samantha found it difficult to actually come out and tell this person that she was not comfortable with the taste of his … But it is important to remember that your partner is NOT a mind reader. Be open and honest with your partner and let them know that you are comfortable or not with certain things in the relationship. Whether that be the taste of his or her ‘Spunk’, that you do not like their whining or that you dislike them leaving their clothes on the floor. Communicate!
(4) Sex should be fun! Don’t forget the foreplay!! Most Women LOOOOOVE foreplay!
(5) In the episode above, every time Samantha was with this particular partner, he wanted her to go down unda. Every single time they were intimate, he would request this he didn’t want to do anything in bed besides THAT. Remember, every sexual experience you have with your partner does not have to be the same; try new/different things every once in a while. Different positions, foreplay, places, clothing, scents, foods, etc. The same routine usually bores people (sadly enough, that is why some people cheat). They don’t tell their partner they are bored, and instead look for something new, somewhere else. {See October 24th Posting ("The grass is always greener on the other side"...)}
This is a very interesting quote from Sex and The City which I heard yesterday and I HAD to add it here with a couple of points I wanted to make:
(1) I believe partners should appreciate one another and all of the efforts they make in trying to please each other. You should both be working on making the relationship work and no one should have it easier than the other person. I don’t mean this only in a sexual sense, but in every aspect of the relationship.
(2) In this Episode of S&TC, Samantha said this to the person she was being intimate with because his “Spunk” as she liked to call it, did not taste like a banana split with a cherry on top. Bodily functions are usually not very yummy and unless you are 100% okay with drinking/eating your own bodily functions, you should not think that your partner is obligated to drink/eat yours…especially not every single time! Then again, EVEN IF you are okay with eating/drinking your bodily function (or someone else’s), not everyone has the same taste buds and/or appetite. Understand that!!!
(3) Samantha found it difficult to actually come out and tell this person that she was not comfortable with the taste of his … But it is important to remember that your partner is NOT a mind reader. Be open and honest with your partner and let them know that you are comfortable or not with certain things in the relationship. Whether that be the taste of his or her ‘Spunk’, that you do not like their whining or that you dislike them leaving their clothes on the floor. Communicate!
(4) Sex should be fun! Don’t forget the foreplay!! Most Women LOOOOOVE foreplay!
(5) In the episode above, every time Samantha was with this particular partner, he wanted her to go down unda. Every single time they were intimate, he would request this he didn’t want to do anything in bed besides THAT. Remember, every sexual experience you have with your partner does not have to be the same; try new/different things every once in a while. Different positions, foreplay, places, clothing, scents, foods, etc. The same routine usually bores people (sadly enough, that is why some people cheat). They don’t tell their partner they are bored, and instead look for something new, somewhere else. {See October 24th Posting ("The grass is always greener on the other side"...)}
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
What is a Soul Mate?
"People think a soul mate is your perfect fit, and that's what everyone wants. But a true soul mate is a mirror, the person who shows you everything that's holding you back, the person who brings you to your own attention so you can change your life. A true soul mate is probably the most important person you'll ever meet, because they tear down your walls and smack you awake. But to live with a soul mate forever? Nah. Too painful. Soul mates, they come into your life just to reveal another layer of yourself to you, and then they leave. And thank god for it. (Their purpose is to) shake you up, tear apart your ego a little bit, show you your obstacles and addictions, break your heart open so new light could get in, make you so desperate and out of control that you (have) to transform your life then introduce you to your spiritual master and beat it." Richard from Texas {Page 149-"Eat, Pray, Love" by Elizabeth Gilbert}
Do you think you met your soul mate? Do you think you are ready to meet your soul mate? Do you want to meet them if they are meant to just "drive-by" your life?
Do you think you met your soul mate? Do you think you are ready to meet your soul mate? Do you want to meet them if they are meant to just "drive-by" your life?
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Is this all too familiar to you?

Yellow: lies lies lies lies lies BS BS lies lies BS lies lies BC lies

Yellow: before I met you, my heart was a crap taco
Pink: lets make love for ten thousand years

Yellow: haha I farted
Pink: lol it's ok I still luv u

Yellow: haha I just went #2
Pink: lol it's ok i am too fat to move


Green: I'm rich and I have enormous muscles
Pink: You are so much better than my Ex

Yellow: Let's try again, but this time - it'll work!
Pink: I still hate you, but you're comfortable and familiar so I'm willing to settle

Pink: I've scheduled us to have sex next Thursday, right after I get back from my jazzercize classes.
Yellow: Fuck my life.

Yellow: lies lies lies lies lies BS BS lies lies BS lies lies BC lies

Yellow: before I met you, my heart was a crap taco
Pink: lets make love for ten thousand years

Yellow: haha I farted
Pink: lol it's ok I still luv u

Yellow: haha I just went #2
Pink: lol it's ok i am too fat to move


Green: I'm rich and I have enormous muscles
Pink: You are so much better than my Ex

Yellow: Let's try again, but this time - it'll work!
Pink: I still hate you, but you're comfortable and familiar so I'm willing to settle

Pink: I've scheduled us to have sex next Thursday, right after I get back from my jazzercize classes.
Yellow: Fuck my life.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
The Road Less Traveled
"Virginia Woolf wrote, 'Across the broad continent of a woman's life falls the shadow of a sword.' On one side of that sword, she said, there lies convention and tradition and order, where 'all is correct.' But on the other side of that sword, if you're crazy enough to cross it and choose a life that does not follow convention, 'all is confusion. Nothing follows a regular course.' Her argument was that the crossing of the shadow of that sword may bring a far more interesting existence to a women, but you can bet it will also be more perilous."
"It is better to live your own destiny imperfectly than to live an imitation of somebody else's life with perfection." (The Bhagavad Gita, an ancient Indian Yogic text)
Excerpts from "Eat, Pray, Love" by Elizabeth Gilbert - Page 95
At some point in a everyone's life, they must decide whether they will find a mate, settle down and raise a family, or continue to live the single life and pursue their dreams. This decision is a bit different for men than women. The road a woman decides to take, leads to either the "normal" life women are "supposed" to lead, which usually means: marriage, kids, work, little play, taking care of their husband and raising a nice, happy household, retirement and inevitably, death. Otherwise, the road less traveled may bring about many, many adventures. But is is also the riskier road, a scary adventure that may lead to loneliness.
Is someone ultimately fulfilled if they are pursuing all of their dreams, but ends up alone throughout most of their adventures? Does this equate to true HappYness (refer to the film "The Pursuit of Happyness")? Do you have to give up one thing to have the other? Or can you live a life of adventure and fulfill your life/career/etc. goals while building a family and sharing yourexperiences with the love of your life? It is impossible? Or is it possible, yet difficult? What is worth more to you?
Which road would you rather travel?
"It is better to live your own destiny imperfectly than to live an imitation of somebody else's life with perfection." (The Bhagavad Gita, an ancient Indian Yogic text)
Excerpts from "Eat, Pray, Love" by Elizabeth Gilbert - Page 95
At some point in a everyone's life, they must decide whether they will find a mate, settle down and raise a family, or continue to live the single life and pursue their dreams. This decision is a bit different for men than women. The road a woman decides to take, leads to either the "normal" life women are "supposed" to lead, which usually means: marriage, kids, work, little play, taking care of their husband and raising a nice, happy household, retirement and inevitably, death. Otherwise, the road less traveled may bring about many, many adventures. But is is also the riskier road, a scary adventure that may lead to loneliness.
Is someone ultimately fulfilled if they are pursuing all of their dreams, but ends up alone throughout most of their adventures? Does this equate to true HappYness (refer to the film "The Pursuit of Happyness")? Do you have to give up one thing to have the other? Or can you live a life of adventure and fulfill your life/career/etc. goals while building a family and sharing yourexperiences with the love of your life? It is impossible? Or is it possible, yet difficult? What is worth more to you?
Which road would you rather travel?
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Is it too good to be true?
"Maybe you don't think it's for real, unless someone is playing hard to get?" -Miranda {Sex and the City Season 3 Episode 37 "Drama Queens"}
"When things come too easy, we're suspect. Do they have to get complicated before we believe they're for real? We are raised to believe that the course of true love never runs smoothly. There always has to be obstacles in Act II before you can live happily ever after in Act III. But what happens when the obstacles aren't there? Does that mean there is something missing? Do we need drama to make a relationship work?" -Carrie Bradshaw {Sex and The City Season 3 Episode 37 "Drama Queens"}
When things are rough in our relationships, we complain, yet when we are coasting by and everything seems to be going our way, we still complain!!!! Are human beings ever satisfied? I believe, it's rather tough to be optimistic about the future of our own relationship, when we see that every other relationship around us is completely screwed up. Maybe everyone else in their wild rollercoaster ride relationship is normal and we are not? This one is cheating on that one; that one is in love with this one but married with children to this other one; their family travels more than mine; my wife and I don't have enough sex (or too much sex..if that's even possible); and the list is endless... How can someone think about living happily ever after in a relationship with all of these negative thoughts about everyone else's messed up relationship? We inevitably start to wonder, why is my relationship going well? There MUST be something he/she is hiding from me? This has to start going sour sometime soon?! Maybe I need to stir something up or start an argument so that we could be normal....like every other relationship?! But why are we conditioned to think this way?
Why do you have to find something wrong with your relationship when things are going well??
Why would an anxiety-free relationship drive you crazy?
Why does it HAVE to be too good to be true?
Why not just enjoy the ride?!?!?!? Who knows maybe it will stay beautiful, wonderful, great forever!
"When things come too easy, we're suspect. Do they have to get complicated before we believe they're for real? We are raised to believe that the course of true love never runs smoothly. There always has to be obstacles in Act II before you can live happily ever after in Act III. But what happens when the obstacles aren't there? Does that mean there is something missing? Do we need drama to make a relationship work?" -Carrie Bradshaw {Sex and The City Season 3 Episode 37 "Drama Queens"}
When things are rough in our relationships, we complain, yet when we are coasting by and everything seems to be going our way, we still complain!!!! Are human beings ever satisfied? I believe, it's rather tough to be optimistic about the future of our own relationship, when we see that every other relationship around us is completely screwed up. Maybe everyone else in their wild rollercoaster ride relationship is normal and we are not? This one is cheating on that one; that one is in love with this one but married with children to this other one; their family travels more than mine; my wife and I don't have enough sex (or too much sex..if that's even possible); and the list is endless... How can someone think about living happily ever after in a relationship with all of these negative thoughts about everyone else's messed up relationship? We inevitably start to wonder, why is my relationship going well? There MUST be something he/she is hiding from me? This has to start going sour sometime soon?! Maybe I need to stir something up or start an argument so that we could be normal....like every other relationship?! But why are we conditioned to think this way?
Why do you have to find something wrong with your relationship when things are going well??
Why would an anxiety-free relationship drive you crazy?
Why does it HAVE to be too good to be true?
Why not just enjoy the ride?!?!?!? Who knows maybe it will stay beautiful, wonderful, great forever!
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