Friday, October 3, 2008

The Ghosts...

“When relationships die, do we ever really give up the spirit of it, or are we forever haunted by the ghost of those relationships?” ~Carrie Bradshaw {Sex and The City}

Why is it that after certain break-ups, the 'Ghost of Christmas Past' frequently appears? Every time you listen to a certain song, when you are in a specific place, when someone that doesn't know that you and your other half are no longer 'one' happens to ask about your partner; certain holidays seem empty; special occasions no longer seem special. Why?!

Is it possible to simply delete history with a click of a button? How do you erase the memories? If you don't, do you only think about the good times & when the 'Ghost of Christmas’s to Come' appears, you can't help but wonder what could have/would have/should have been? Or do you condition yourself to only think about the few negative aspects of your relationship to ease the pain? Are you dooming yourself to continued failure if you don't delete, erase, burn, hide anything that reminds you of that person?

Even if the relationship ends on a bad note, how long does it take you to stop comparing everyone you meet to this person? When you do find a rebound or start a new relationship, how often do you reminisce about what once was, or bring up the past in your new relationship?

How does a break-up affect your relationship with the mutual friends you still share with your Ex? What do you talk about with them, besides the times you shared with your Ex? Will your mutual friends ever accept someone new entering your life?

Will the past always really be present when it comes to relationships?

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