Sunday, September 14, 2008

Relationship getting stale?

In the beginning of most relationships, everything is new, exciting, fun, adventurous, etc. People usually call it Bliss! After a while, the relationship reaches a point where things start falling off. You start showing your true colors. What’s next? Some people look elsewhere for the excitement, hang out with their friends, stay late at work to take their mind off of the relationship and/or don’t call as often. Some people cheat :-( {We at FreeHeartsandMinds are against this one} because they get bored of the same ole routine with their current relationship. The excitement of sneaking around gets them hooked and someone always ends up getting hurt. Other couples discuss their downward turn, work at their relationship and move forward :-)

Alicia Keys put it best in her song "Wreckless Love." She wanted to go back to the beginning of their relationship. She remembered the bliss we all experience in the first couple of months/years. When things were brand new. That time is a great time..."When you didn't know me, didn't need me, wanted to touch me, couldn't leave me....We just could not get enough of it."

What have you done when you felt your relationship was getting a bit stale? Do you have any juicy stories from friends that you would like to share?

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