Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Love is blind, but your neighbors aren't!

How do you overcome the negative external forces that try to derail and destroy your relationship? Everyone has their opinion, and most do not feel comfortable in their own skin until they tell you exactly how they feel about you and your significant other. Even if you are 100% sure that this is the person you want to be with, over time, the comments from your friends and family start to lessen this percentage. How do you continue believing in your relationship when everyone around you does not?


Anonymous said...

To believe in your relationship I think you should have strong faith and a good relationship with God. I won't lie, there has been plenty of times my own mother has warned me about a relationship and 8.5 times out of 10 she is right. I think mothers just know it all. But being me, I still went ahead with my relationship. I mean how else will I learn and be able to experience life? And maybe one day, be able to give advice to my own child?? Friends and family put a great deal of stress and doubt in your mind but at the end of the day, you have to be strong and go with your own instincts and your own heart. Sometimes you will be wrong and sometimes right. I believe its the lesson learned and the experience that counts. So don't be afraid to pray and keep doing what you feel is right. If you fall down, pick yourself up and keep going. Sometime you have to trust yourself.
Unfortunately there are some families and friends who will disown you, and thats when you decide what is important. Your happiness counts too, and you need to decide what kind of life you want to live. Often times i also believe, when people have sooo much to say about what you do and your life they are secretly speaking for themselves and things they want or wish to do.

K Storm said...

WOW. That is soooo true.

Anonymous said...

I'm a firm believer in that you should NOT let others opinions of your relationship sway your decision. Of course, they often tell you things you may not realize. After all, they get an outside perspective and sometimes when we're in a relationship we are blinded and don't notice the 'little things'. I feel its healthy to vent with the people you're closest to, but be careful b/c if you decide to work on that relationship those people may wonder why you complained in the first place. Still, until you yourself are 100% sure this person isn't for you, don't break ties. The worse thing would be to break up and realize you made a big mistake. And even worse, to realize you did it only b/c of what others were telling you.