Monday, June 18, 2012

Kill the Vampires in your Life

It's interesting how some people walk around with what seems like a negative cloud covering them.  Some people live their lives believing that only negative things happen to them and low-and-behold, negative things keep happening to them.

What is your vampire?  What is the thing that is holding you back from living your best life now?  Is it:
     a job?
     a friend?
     a situation?
     a relationship?
     a family member?
     a decision you need to make?

There may be actions that you need to take or changes you need to make in your thoughts, words and/or actions to get rid of the vampires that are sucking your life source away from you.  Shine the light of truth onto the situation, analyze it and make the change that will help you overcome the negativity.  Fight for your right to be happy and live a positive, healthy life.

Kill the Vampires in your Life:  Video

Sending a big thank you to my brother Jose Maldonado for sharing this awesome video.  xoxo's

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