"In humans, nit-picking can ruin a perfectly good evening, not to mention a relationship. Women are known to be more verbal than men, but when does criticism that is constructive, become destructive. Are there times when the ladies should just shut the f*ck up?" ~Carrie Bradshaw, Sex & the City, Season 6, Episode 78 "Pick-A-Little, Talk-A-Little"
Thefreedictionary.com provides the following definition for Nit-Picking: (n.) Minute, trivial, unnecessary, and unjustified criticism or faultfinding
When thinking about the definition of this word and the usual aftermath of the act, why do we nit-pick? In the example above, Carrie expresses that women tend the nit-pick, but I would like to point out that both men and women can be harsh when it comes this type of "constructive criticism". Why is it that everything in a relationship could be going GREAT and we always seem to find a little something to pick at? Maybe it's a word that is used in a conversation, a small action that one of us finds annoying, whatever it may be, we simply cannot let it go. We must bring it up and then bring it home! Could this minute thing be so important to us that we cannot move on without bringing it up? Is it that we need to find fault in our partners to make us feel good about ourselves?
I know I am not a saint with this one because I too am guilty of ruining a great day/evening because of something so trivial that could have and maybe should have been overlooked. Will it matter in 5 years? Will it really even matter in 5 minutes? In trying to be constructive while criticizing, sometimes people cause more harm that good. As much as it bothers you inside and makes your blood boil that some particular comment was made, is it better to just let it simmer a little longer and eventually move on, or will it keep boiling until you explode?
There are many important, maybe even life changing events that take place in our lives and in the lives of those around us. Wouldn't it be better to focus our energy on the things that really have an impact on who we are as a person? Or can you simply not concenstrate on the bigger isses until you resolve all of the little things that bother you? I've noticed that people nit-pick at most things President Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama say, do, wear, etc. Is it just in our nature to do this? Do we have nothing better to do with our time that criticize what (in the grand scheme of things) is negligible? Maybe we are insecure about these small things in ourselves and it makes us feel better about our own actions? Can we look at the overall good in others and put aside their insignificant faults?
Can this act of constantly picking at small things that bug you ruin a relationship?
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