Tuesday, August 24, 2010

You cannot force love.

There is something magical about love. It cannot be forced to leave, nor can you force it to appear. You can fall in love with someone that is completely wrong for you under societies definition of what makes a couple stand strong. Others are put together and while seeming like the perfect couple, cannot stand the test of time.

It's crazy, this love thing. How does it happen? How can the feelings produced by your heart sometimes trump what the mind thinks, what the mind knows will result in a better outcome? How can you look at someone for the first time and in the blink of an eye, realize that this person is who you want to spend the rest of your life with? Conversely, how can you be friends with someone for years and finally one day, it becomes apparent that you cannot live without this person by your side?

Sometimes women are attracted to the bad guys, the ones that may not treat them all that well. Some women try and try to make the relationship work when everyone outside of the relationship is telling them they should move on. How do women live with and love someone that is physically, mentally and/or emotionally abusive and when the opposite enters their lives, the one who wants to settle down and treat them like the queens they are, it's difficult or nearly impossible to let go of the person they were abused by?

How long are we willing to hold on to love?

El Malo
By Aventura



EO said...

♥ this post. This question def strikes a chord: "How long are we willing to hold on to love?" conversely, how much are we willing to put up with for love? I've asked myself that question plenty of times. I haven't quite figured it out yet.

EO said...

Wait - I think I answered my own question! [lol]. When you start compromising who you are & what you stand for that's when you know you've hit a dead end.

Yosely Maldonado said...

When its right its right you definitely feel it if its there, cant force anything, just have to go with the flow!!