Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Sex and the City 2

"You always want what you had when you have what you always wanted" ~Elyse Lerner

This wonderful quote came about after watching “Sex and the City 2”, which I believe is a FANTASTIC movie. I don’t want to give away the details in case you have not watched the movie, but I will touch on this underlying theme that was apparent throughout the film. Charlotte always wanted a family, yet when she finally has a husband and two children, she’s going crazy. Miranda always wanted to be a partner at her law firm, but she was not fulfilled due to the enormous amount of work and scrutiny she has to endure. Carrie wanted the man she loved, Mr. Big, to love her, appreciate her and be in a long-term, committed relationship with her. Now that they are finally married, life is not what she expected it would be. Many people live their lives wanting something so badly, yet when they receive the thing they desire/have been working towards, they don't want it anymore; they would rather be back at square one. It's the same logic behind the saying: "The grass isn't always greener on the other side."

We believe things will be better when this happens (get promoted, buy a house, meet the person of our dreams, have a child, etc.), or when we have that material thing (car, house, wedding ring, divorce papers, etc.), however, some people reach their destination, but still feel empty, alone, overworked and underpaid.

So, why is it that we want what we had when we finally have what we wanted? Will we ever be satisfied?


Anonymous said...

My dear friend, I think we humans are never truly happy or fulfilled. We always seem to want more and more... and we dont realize that along with that more comes more work or more trouble...
I guess it really depends on the person and the situation but being human we need to understand that life is not perfect... you may have everything you always wanted but still have issues because the bottom line is our life is not a movie... we are real and there are real problems such as bills, families, unemployment, unfaithfulness etc.

I guess you just need to thank God for what you have and be content we have all the blessing we have =)

I am super happy in my marriage with my son and husband but I admit sometimes I miss fighting with my husband and having him pursue me and me ignore him hahah the usual pattern we went thru... but like I said we are humans...

Anonymous said...

In my experience, true fulfillment doesn't come from external things, it can only come from inside ourselves, then we accept our circumstances, are grateful, and make the best out of everything, and in turn we recognize and fulfill more of ourselves outwardly because we are calm and slow enough to notice opportunities when they present themselves and we have enough energy and insight to take advantage of them and work hard to achieve our goals instead of just watching things pass us by while we worry about things we can't change or are afriad to lose or are worried we won't get or sit in morbid reflection of what we don't have... I am grateful I have you in my life, Yomaris... and for all of God's blessings... and I hope you can make the most of every moment and continue giving of your gifts and enjoy!!!